Wednesday, September 24, 2008

15-year-old is #161

The Baltimore Sun reports that a 15-year-old shot in the abdomen last night on the 2500 block of Aisquith Street has died at Johns Hopkins Hospital.


  1. Derrick Reed was a 15 year old kid, probably just like any other 15 year old kid. But the problem here is that he is black and he lives in Baltimore City. There isn't one person out there, including all the disgruntled urban yuppies, federal, state and local government officials, the police, pious suburban America or the entire fundamentalist Christian Church that is going to give a rat's ass about the death of this kid.

    Wait a minute, the federal government cares, they need gun-shot guinea pigs at the shock trauma center for the future Iraq medics to practice on.

  2. Derrick went to the high school that I teach at. I didn't know him personally, he was not in my classes, but we are all deeply saddened by his passing and are currently collecting money to help the family with funeral arrangements. Over the years, we have lost quite a few students to violence. This is disturbing. It is an epidemic, and I wish more people considered it one.
