Sunday, September 14, 2008


Captn JTwo men shot, one fatally, in front of the Captain James (you know, the restaurant on Boston St. that looks like a big boat). WBAL reports that a fight started inside & got finished on the street. The deceased victim was named as one Lloyd Milton.


  1. An another around the same time on Lexington St.

  2. ...2:30AM.

    I guess this is a sign that I'm getting older, but I am now of the opinion, like millions of wise grandmothers as well as buzoncrime, that "nothing good happens after midnight".

    Really, captain jack's, or anywhere else in this town late, late at night just isn't worth the risk.

  3. just moved to bmore in march and this is the first time a crime has occurred close to my home, and it's scary... the gun shots woke me up from a deep sleep at 2:20 in the morning. I stared out my window for the next half hour or so and was just listening to the sirens and trying to gather pieces of info from the passerby's... but of course i was too scared to leave my house. I just keep thinking if i would have gone out that night, i may have crossed paths with these men and i'm sooo glad that fate gave me a cold this weekend.

  4. I have to admit that I stole that line from Brian Billick when, one year when spring workouts were done, he addressed the team before they left for the summer: "Nothing much good happens after midnight".

    And, as the months have gone by, have you all out there noticed how many serious crimes, and the high percentage of murders occur after midnight?
    The general rule of thumb I tell folks: the later it is after dark, the higher your risks.

    And, along the same lines: if you're out and about and doing a little bar-hopping for cool refreshing beverages and looking for some fun at the Point, Canton, or now that infamous (famous?) Federal Hill, it makes good sense to head for home at 1 am. A lot of wild stuff happens at bar-closing time and just after.

  5. nnnr2000---
    Which of the two discussed neighborhoods do you live in: Fells Point or in West Baltimore?

    I'm sorry you got scared (and rightly so!) but these guys would probably have not bothered you. They obviously had a beef with someone else. (Though, of course, there's always a risk of wild shooting--they don't usually go to the range to practice regularly.)
    On the other hand, it is just a result of a dysfunctional criminal justice system and only a very modest police patrol presence on the midnight shift--especially after 2.

  6. A murder in front of Captain James? Wow, that is frikkin scary. I always felt safe around that restaurant, since so many city and MdTA cops seems to stop there for food from their take out section.

  7. BTW, how is it that a double shooting in front of Captain James doesn't make it into the Baltimore Sun?

  8. I heard the shots on this one from my friend's place right across the street. Scary business. So sad, the victim was only 21 apparently. It's amazing how hot-headed some of these guys are to be able to shoot someone like that.

    Around 2am that area _always_ has some ridiculous circus going down, though usually more amusing than dangerous. Once my car was parked on the other side of the street where this shooting happened and two people had stopped their giant pickup trucks on both sides of the street and proceeded to block traffic and yell at each other for a good 10 minutes. Strange business.

  9. Holy Crap! I was right there last night. I was on the promenade next to the crab house. It probably happen long after I was nestled in my bed; after the freaks come out. I wonder if it was near that bail bonds place? I wouldn't be surprised I often drive by and think that a gunfight is about to break out
    Its too bad that these things are happening closer to Canton. Maybe I am fooling myself...


  10. I live across the street from Captain James. It's not good having murders this close to the water... The reality though is that i wish we had a higher murder rate. it's just thugs killing thugs. if the courts aren't going to convict and properly punish these criminals, then i say let them kill each other in the street. have at it.

    also - has anyone seen these roving gangs of East Baltimore thugs rolling around on dirt bikes and ATVs. They roll down chester street and then block the intersection at fleet. they'll sit there for 5 mnutes revving engines and then take off down fleet. i've seen them do this in front of the cops, who do absolutely nothing.
    these punks are like cockroaches and need to be exterminated.

  11. For a long time I was planning on buying a house in the city, but this latest round of crap (murder at Capt. James, I've seen a bunch of hoodlums on dirt bikes recently, etc etc) and the city's obscene property tax rate makes Baltimore County start to look a lot more appealing.

  12. The thing is no matter where you go there is always going to be some level of risk. In Baltimore county, sure, there are fewer trigger happy thugs walking around. But the trade-off is you have to drive a lot more (and thus assume an increased risk of an auto accident), you're probably farther from your job (more stress), your neighbors are less likely to be interesting (not as cool), fewer singles (if you're in the market).

    There are good reasons to leave the city especially if you're raising kids, but there are also good reasons to stay or move here.

    Some folks just should get out of this town and never turn back (eg galt). The rest of us who like it should learn about not pushing our luck and well-being with sketchy late night activities.

  13. When will Baltimore start these special PRIVATE police forces that are spreading and HELPING across the country...

  14. Helix - well put!

    Glad to not hear another "time to head to the suburbs" quote on here. While the burbs are fine, there are still the positives you mention that keep us city dwellers here.

  15. Another reason to stay in the county/civilization

  16. Helix:

    I know there are plenty of advantages to city life, I've been living in this town for seven years. If property taxes were comparable I wouldn't even consider heading out to the County when I buy, since I can tolerate most city BS.

  17. Helix, I'd be far more comfortable with your position if in fact all Baltimoreans were subject to a more or less uniform risk of crime.

    Instead, you have two cities here.

    One in which crime is discouraged by police and another into which they direct it.

    That is simply not right.

    You cannot have two sets of law within a jurisdiction nor two differential levels of enforcement,.

    Tell me: do you live in Baltimore B ?

    Or are you speaking from a vantage point of relative safety?

    It does make a difference.
