Tuesday, September 23, 2008

ME: No Drugs Involved in K-Swift's Death

Drugs & alcohol have been ruled out in the death of K-Swift; her death was attributed to neck injuries.

A 15-year-old was arrested for shooting a 9-year-old.

County police are looking for a white guy with a neck tattoo who robbed the Northwest Savings Bank.

An 11-year-old girl stabbed with scissors, a guy shot with a bb gun and a man stabbed in the head, neck, back and an arm by robbers after disembarking from a bus.

The death penalty commission has held its last hearing. Police are investigating the death of an inmate at Central Booking. But what story gets top billing in the Examiner's crime pages?

Speaking of the big D, the trial of Baltimorean-turned-alleged-courthouse-killer Brian Nichols is finally underway in Atlanta after years of delay. Here's that New Yorker article about Nichols and Georgia's "death penalty paradox."


  1. Thank god that idiotic death penalty commission has wrapped up. Now we wait for their stupid, meaningless report whose conclusions are completely predetermined.

    "Abbott said he served on a New Jersey death penalty commission and found states have not discovered a way to carry out the death penalty quickly, cheaply and accurately."

    Horseshit! If it weren't for the damned lawyers throwing their endless monkey wrenches into the system it would be easy to carry out capital punishment swiftly and fairly. The problem is that death penalty opponents have realized that they will never abolish capital punishment through the democratic process, so instead they've gummed up the court system with so much worthless litigation that it becomes next to impossible to execute even the most vile and unquestionably guilty criminals.

  2. What we ought to be doing is dusting off the death penalty reforms that were proposed in 1993 or '94 under Governor Schaeffer. Those changes could have done a lot to get the insane appeals process under control, but unfortunately the General Assembly failed to pass them.

  3. Sorry, that should've been Schaefer, not Schaeffer.
