Monday, September 15, 2008

How Sick Can it Get?

Police: William V. Brown was a drug dealer and serial killer and rapist who cut the ears off a prostitute.

'Deener disabled man sentenced to home detention for kiddie porn


  1. Did anyone see Rod Rosenstein's letter to the editor in the Sun? I have to give the guy credit, he really seems to be above the backstabbing and attention-whoring that we expect from most of our public officials.

  2. We're seeing a fair amount of crime in Northern Baltimore.

    Here's some more.

    I personally experienced a home invasion in the area last night around midnight. In fact, I was hit by the breaking glass as the guy entered my window.

    Alas, although I was on the line with 911 in real time, the responding unit was sufficiently delayed that he escaped.


    And these hoodlums in huge numbers have got to be placed into prison.

    No decent city can have this large a plague of hoodlums on an ongoing basis.

    Cull the herd.

  3. Galt:

    If you don't own a gun I would strongly encourage you to buy one. If someone is breaking into your home at midnight then your life is in danger.
