Monday, September 1, 2008

Lori Responds!

"Thanks for your interest in my whereabouts. b was a freelance gig and responsibilities at my real job have pulled me away from it. My posts linked to all sources. I can't speak on their transition to print, as in this position, I was strictly a blogger and not a one-woman publishing house.Also, nothing's been removed from the archive"

1 comment:

  1. I hired Lori Barrett as a freelancer to blog about interesting news items and to help get the web version of b off the ground.

    Lori succeeded on both counts. In fact, she did her job so well that the folks on the print side decided to pick up some of her blog posts and re-run them in print. It was in this transition that some of the attributions - which were abundantly clear online - failed to be attached as part of the editing process.

    Lori left of her own accord. Her departure was not related to the brouhaha over the print-edition attributions. I was sorry to see her go.
