Friday, September 19, 2008


Thomas Moylan, an inmate at Central Booking, died after being found unconscious in a shower on Wednesday night. In previous conversations with his mother, he alleged inadequate mistreatment.

There were two more nonfatal shootings in Baltimore, one in the Northeast, and one in the west where a guy caught a bullet in the bum bum. Take that, Tom Green!

Shootings and stabbings in Baltimore City, and burgled homes in Baltimore County. Even the blotter can show the stark differences between the two jurisdictions.

Peter Hermann discusses helping those who won't help themselves, Baltimore judiciary style.


  1. "In previous conversations with his mother, he alleged inadequate mistreatment."

    I hate inadequate mistreatment. People deserve to be adequately, competently mistreated by trained mistreatment professionals. We really shouldn't misunderestimate the value of proper, sufficient mistreatment.

  2. In that case he should move to PG County. The jail staff there provided more than adequate mistreatment for Ronnie White.

  3. The crime blotter is interesting. I've come across this in the past two weeks. You should look into this:

    407 E. Northern Parkway. Sept. 15, 10 p.m.
    Victim was entering his apartment when suspects approached from behind, one stating, "Kick that shit out." One suspect was displaying a silver handgun and stated, "Get in the apartment." Suspects then took five watches, a gold chain, laptop, $120 and a cell phone, and fled to a vehicle in the parking lot.

    2700 N. Charles Street. Sept. 14 5:15 a.m.
    Victim was at bus stop when suspects approached, displaying a black gun stating, "Kick it out."
    Suspects then took victim's purse, ID, credit cards, $6, keys and cell phone and fled to a green SUV.

    Greenmount Avenue, 2900 block, 2:40 p.m. Purse, cell phone, car keys, $500 stolen. Suspect entered Chinese restaurant that victims were in and implied a handgun while stating, "Kick that shit out." Victims complied, giving up property. Suspects then fled the scene in the victim's vehicle parked outside.

    The Alameda, 5600 block, 1:30 p.m. Suspect approached the victim armed with a handgun. One suspect stated "kick it out, you know what time it is." The victim said he didn't have anything. The suspect then took the victim's glasses and walked away.

