Sunday, September 28, 2008

A witness in the barbershop beating contradicts detective Love's account of the events.

?! Police collect criminal DNA from scenes, but tell lab to ignore it.

Tragic: a MD state police helicopter crashed this morning, killing two troopers, a medical technician and an accident victim.

... just what Baltimore nightlife needs: more bureaucracy.

Qs of the day: Why is MD's infant mortality rate as lousy as Uruguay's?

Why was a Bmore police officer forced to look at KKK web sites?


  1. Just a very small nitpick, but this weekend's MSP helicopter crash only killed one state trooper. The helicopter's pilot was a retired trooper who was working as a civilian for the MSP. I believe that most if not all MSP pilots are no longer police officers.

  2. They're trying to make Baltimore's infant mortality rate seem like a complicated issue when the cause is really very simple. There are too many shitty "parents" (and I use that term very loosely) who aren't capable of taking care of a goldfish, much less raising a child.

  3. As usual the Sun is incapable of grasping the concept of personal responsibility.

    "Those rates are also indicators of how poorly many women are served by the current health care system, whose programs are often uncoordinated and spread over several different agencies"

    Uh, maybe if so many Baltimoreans didn't do such an awful job of taking care of themselves then this wouldn't be an issue. Obesity, diabetes and hypertension are not communicable diseases, they're the result of crappy eating and too little exercise. This city doesn't need more resources for public health, it needs fewer fried chicken shops.

  4. The world's shittiest father has a mental competency hearing scheduled for this afternoon.
