Wednesday, October 1, 2008

City council docs have been subpoenaed in the Dixon/Doracon probe-- and the state prosecutor now has new record-subpoena-ing powers.

Five years for the killer of Estefany Gonzalez.

The 15-year-old who was shot while standing on a porch in East Baltimore's Midway neighborhood was ID'd as Derrick "Terrell" Reed.


  1. For anyone that was round a year ago and is interested...

    Two days shy of 1 year ago was that whole carjacking incident.

    Today, after numerous postponements, the case was finally seen before a judge. The defendant decided to plea out. The State Attorney's office asked for 13 years, suspending 8, requiring GED and job training classes and, of course, staying away from me.

    The judge gave him 10 years, suspending 7. Credit for time served (about a year). Still requiring GED and job training and staying away from me. Since he was out on parole at the time of the carjacking he still has to deal with the punishment for the violation, which is not included in this judgment.

    I feel pretty blah about this.

  2. Lucid:

    That sucks, and this is a prime example of our broken justice system. Last time I checked carjacking is supposed to be a serious crime. Three years of prison time (lord knows he'll probably serve a lot less than that) for a violent felony committed by someone who was already on probation insane. He should've gotten a couple of decades of hard time, or even better, a bullet in the back of the head.

  3. Did I mention he was on probation following a sentence for carjacking?

    Oy vey.

  4. Maybe he'll get nailed for violating his probation?

  5. "Did I mention he was on probation following a sentence for carjacking?"

    Can you blame him for re-offending? After all, our legal system keeps telling him that carjacking is ok, or at least isn't a serious crime.
