Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Early AM

Last night, three men were shot last night at the 500 block of W. Preston St. One of them died, marking number 175.

Later on in East Baltimore, a man was stabbed 100 block of N. Janney St. and later died, marking number 176.

Its a good time to have more people on around the clock to protect us... but the police is slashing overtime along with the City wide hiring freeze. Because as you know its more important to have a green Baltimore with plenty of social activities than a safe Baltimore.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Well, it's heating up in lovely Charles Village again. But please don't call it unsafe.

    from the blotter:

    Northern Baltimore
    Robbery Police were seeking two men, one armed with a handgun, who robbed a man, 21, of his cell phone and money in the 2600 block of N. Calvert St. about 9:20 p.m. Sunday The property was valued at $350.

    Robbery A man, 59, was loading boxes into his pickup truck parked in the 2600 block of Hargrove Alley about 11 a.m. Saturday when two boys, each about 14 and one armed with a handgun, robbed him of an undisclosed sum of money.

  2. And in the sentencing of cop-killer Brandon Grimes, we have.....

    ... another postponement.

    Who coulda guessed ??

  3. Why in the world was Grimes's sentencing delayed? I assumed that the sentencing hearing was little more than a formality, and that he was certain to end up getting life w/o parole.

  4. Is it possible to look up crimes in a certain area? I tired the BCPD web page, and the "real time" city crime search in the links section. At about 11PM last night some woman down the street from me started screaming bloody murder. Smart guy that I am, I grabbed my cellphone and went out (carefully) to see what was going on. Before I was more than halfway there two police vans rolled up and the screamer was chucked in the back of one of them. Any ideas on how I could find out what happened?

  5. Next time there's a fracas, tune in to the police radio at scanbaltimore.com. You could try calling your local district to ask, but you probably won't get anywhere.

  6. Thanks mjb, I found vees.net from scanbaltimore, and I've been listening to it all evening. I already tried the precinct, and you're right, I got absolutely nowhere.

  7. It is actually _very_ important to have a "green" baltimore with excellent festivals and social activities.

    More overtime for police is a nice thing to have, but it won't dramatically reduce crime and make the city "safer". It will simply rack up more arrests, that is more arrests of offenders who will get released and re-offend anyway. This is a city. Multiple problems have to be worked on at the same time. It is not possible to funnel all funds to law enforcement, set up stockades on each corner, and let everything else rot-- as much as some people would like to see that happen.

  8. "More overtime for police is a nice thing to have, but it won't dramatically reduce crime and make the city "safer"."

    I disagree. There's a lot of evidence that having more cops on the beat reduces crime. They need to be used properly of course. More officers in patrol = good thing. More people dedicated to drug units that do nothing but rack up buy & bust arrests = waste of money.

  9. The MD national guard has several highly skilled military police units that MOM could deploy to make up for the city shortfall. I am not entirely sure, but the feds might even half to foot the bill.
