Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Harris Gun Previously Used for 'Vandalism'

Fenton: "The gun used to kill former City Councilman Kenneth N. Harris Sr. was used in another crime in the same Northeast Baltimore shopping center months before, but police classified the earlier incident as a property crime instead of an attempted armed robbery" though "the suspects fired two rounds from a 9 mm handgun into the door, leaving bullet marks."



  1. So basically if BPD had classified the first crime correctly.. then actually solved it, Harris would probably still be alive.

    Between this and the "suicide by self-burial," some serious questions for the BPD.

  2. Always serious questions for the BPD.

    The misclassification is not a mistake. It's part of juking the numbers to make politicians' claims that Baltimore is improving more credible.

    Truly a bad practice. The sort that comes back to bite you in the ass.

  3. My parents are big fans of The Wire, so I sent them the recent Ken Harris story to show that there was nothing fictional about how that show depicts the BPD juking statistics.

  4. I feel helpless in a situation I am reading about a lot on Craigslist and felt the need to spread the word. This situation relates to the greater issue at large in our city wherein criminals commit crimes openly on multiple occasions and nothing is done to stop them. Apparently there is an increase in crime against animals. Someone is killing cats and dogs in Pasadena hanging their bodies from trees and lighting fire to them. And it appears as though local authorities are doing nothing to stop the person. While Baltimore city crime can be for the most part drug-related, this story highlights the beginnings of someone who could turn out to be a violent and sadistic murderer right in our own backyard. Please visit this link for the story:
