Monday, October 27, 2008

Pig-biting mad

Pigtown residents are pig-biting mad that Colin (aka Collin or Calvin) Frost DOB: 10/24/1988 has been picked up and dropped off more times than a Washington Blvd. working lady

The City Council wants to start fining parking permit fraudsters $500

That cannot possibly be legal dept: the E says Baltimore City Election Director Armstead Jones office is canceling hundreds of ex-felons’ voter registrations because the former criminals did not call his office, as per an unsigned, undated letter he sent out.


  1. If I saw someone engaging in a bit of vigilante justice against Mr. Frost I would tell the police that I didn't see anything. Our system has hit the point where I believe that honest, productive members of society are justified in taking the law into their own hands.

  2. Maybe the city should do something about the thousands of bogus parking tickets that their meter maids hand out all the time.

  3. Hey, guys, ...

    new crime mapping application at the BCPD.

    It allows posts !!

  4. Whoa, big news out of Baltimore County. Nicholas Browning pled guilty today in exchange for a plea bargain that will result in no more than two consecutive life sentences. Note that those are straight life terms, NOT life w/o parole. This means that this delightful young man will probably walk out of prison someday. What the fuck?

  5. According to the Examiner, Nicholas Browning will be eligible for parole in approximately 30 years. That's disgusting. He should never have the slightest chance of walking free again.
