Thursday, October 9, 2008

Anarchy in the DJJ!

Mrs. JB: "Ten teenage boys barricaded themselves for eight hours overnight Tuesday at the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center, first in an office and then in a residential area, where they destroyed furniture."

"The Maryland State Police and teams of drug-sniffing dogs raided the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center this morning"

A police-involved shooting in Cherry Hill this morning.


  1. Little savages on the loose at the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. We really need to bring back flogging for punks like this.

  2. Ppatin, you're right up to "on the loose". This town is full of vile little sociopaths that should be put down like rabid ferrets.

  3. Why not do what we did in 1933 and legalize the stuff. Regulation and control reduced crime and violence then--it can do it now.
