Sunday, October 19, 2008

'upsetting to the extreme'

A meeting of the mothers of the alleged victims of alleged serial rapist/ possible serial killer William Brown last week.
More on Brown, Emma O'Hearn and prostitute murders in the city

Alleged Rogers Forge child killer Susan Griffin: "I didn't kill this child ... at least I didn't think I did in any conscious way." Warning, the story really is upsetting to the extreme. If you're lactating, tuck in your breast pads. or just skip it. Seriously.

"Suspicious" human remains found in basement of rowhouse: a "worker was cleaning out the trash and accidentally pulled on the hand" aieeee! Video from JZ


  1. If William Brown only (allegedly) killed two people then he's not a serial killer.

  2. you're right, I should say "serial predator"

  3. It turns out the Griffins owed their pediatrician $80 or $400 depending on which one you talked to. This was the reason they supposedly didn't seek medical help for their starving kid. They showed those doctors!

    Something tells me this "I refuse to pay the doc" argument isn't going to work.

  4. the recent FBI symposium on serial killers sponsored by the National Center for Analysis of Violent crime cited two or more murders separated by time and location as the working definition of a serial killer.

  5. Delvon Butts died at Shock Trauma after being shot in the butt.

  6. Sheesh. That's an unfortunate name, and place to be shot, is it not? He was also shot in the back I think.

  7. Yep, although getting shot in the ass can apparently be really serious as well. It's often depicted humorously in movies, but a misplaced bullet in the buttocks can leave you with a permanent colostomy, or worse.

  8. Wow, the Susan Griffin story really makes my blood boil. I think everyone here can guess what I think the punishment for her and her husband should be...

  9. "Susan Griffin's attorneys had argued that her interview with police should be excluded from trial because she was suffering from the flu and was pregnant"

    Shoot the damned lawyer while you're at it. Last time I checked there no constitutional protection against self-incrimination while pregnant.
