Monday, November 3, 2008


Annie McCann, 16, of Fairfax, VA., "found in an alley in the 200 block of S. Spring Court, in the Perkins Homes area, about 3 a.m. Sunday"


  1. What's the deal? I've Googled her name, searched the Washington Post, and looked through whatever Fairfax papers I can find, and nothing. Nada. Zip. Meanwhile, the Sun's article is as close to useless as an article that's not on WJZ can be.

    Does anyone know what happened with this girl?

  2. Wild guess: Maybe some Halloween-in-Fells-Point plans went awry, and she either (1) tried to score in a neighborhood she wasn't familiar with or (2) got lost, robbed and killed.

  3. drug deal gone bad?
    I don't know, I'll keep an eye out

  4. This news blip was posted at 1:30PM today. Let the media do its job, I'm sure they will find out what happened. Something tells me this is going to be a bit juicy.

  5. NO! Annie didnt NOT do drugs..she was a REALLY good friend of mines.
    She wasnt trick or treating she ran away from home on friday. She just happened to end up in baltimore for some unknow reason..IT WAS NOT DRUGS! you dont know anything so shut up!

  6. TD: sorry your friend ended up in such an awful place.

  7. It turns out Annie McCann was found dead, but we have no idea yet what caused her to expire. So technically, not only maybe it wasn't drugs but she may not have been homicided. Wait for the autopsy before attaching a number to the name. Perhaps Annie saw a darkie in that there awful place, I mean Baltimore neighborhood, and keeled over from the shock.

  8. cham:

    That's certainly possible, but it seems pretty unlikely that a 16-year old from Fairfax would keel over in the Perkins Homes from natural causes. My guess is that it was an online love interest, some creep from Facebook or MySpace.

  9. Then how did she die?:

    "Detective Donny Moses, a Baltimore police spokesman, said no cause of death has been determined, pending autopsy results. He said that "other than a superficial abrasion to her forehead, there were no other signs of trauma."

  10. Who knows. There are probably ways to kill someone without leaving lots of visible injuries. I'm sure the autopsy results will be in the news within the next few days.

  11. So sorry to hear about this beautiful young lady. We live only one street away from that family. Our prayers are with all those friends and family.

  12. Please don't try to act like you're solving a crime you know nothing about. Even her friends and family know nothing about it, and we knew her. I can say this though; Annie is an amazing girl with an incredible artistic talent, as well as basketball. She has great values and I hope to God she went as peacefully as possible. I can almost certainly say it was not drugs, nor an online love interest. Of course, there could have been a dark, tragic side of her life hidden behind her amazing smile, but that would be another story yet to be told. I'm thinking things just took a toll on her, she ran away and we tragically lost her. Maybe someone slipped something in her drink, maybe she killed herself with pills. But those claims could be as wild as your drug/online love ideas. All I'm asking is for everyone to wait for more details and not come up with outlandish ideas, we don't need rumors about a tragic teenage death swirling around and giving Annie a bad reputation.

    Thank you and God Bless.

  13. Perhaps you guys ought be talking to your in-school grief counselor. This is a crime blog; Speculation, discussion and written contribution are the order of the day.

  14. "This is a crime blog; Speculation, discussion and written contribution are the order of the day."

    Cham beat me to it. I don't feel that anyone is insulting her by pondering what the cause of her death may have been.

  15. I will add one more comment. When Annie crossed that city line and then decided to die or get murdered on our ground, the citizens of Baltimore got stuck with the tab for the police, the ride to the morgue and now the autopsy. Yes, we are more than a little concerned about what brought her here and how she died.

  16. Cham, I stand by my assessment of the location-- that next to a dumpster in an alley in Baltimore City qualifies as "an awful place".

  17. She was found by a dumpster? I'm confused. Where is the dumpster reference?

  18. Please realize I never said you were insulting her, it is a very sensitive issue with everyone in the school and community because of what a great person she was. I can't imagine how her parents would feel reading about random people speculating their daughter was into drugs. But I didn't realize this was for a blog for speculating possibilites, so I am sorry for telling you not to. I still stand by the facts that I said of her and that we'll all miss her. Carry on as you wish.

  19. Yes, I read about the location of the body in The Examiner. Sorry if this isn't the correct way to format links:

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Either The Sun is right or the Examiner is right, but the dumpsters over at Perkins Homes are not in the alley, they are in the parking lots. Picture taken in July 07.

  22. Perhaps this might be more helpful, I don't see any alleys near the 200 block of Spring Street.

  23. Also, if you want to get technical, we have no proof Annie died next to that dumpster. Considering the dumpster is in a parking area anybody could have transported her there.

  24. Goodness! All these folks from Virginia writing us, and some telling us that an online affair was impossible. And they're doing it online. Hmmmmmmmm.

    Anyway, we don't know enough about it yet until the autopsy is done, and may have to wait several weeks till the toxicology report comes back. It certainly does not fit the typical cases we see, though.

    Some questions I'd like to know, though: was she wearing a Halloween costume? Did she have any valuables on her? Where was here car found? Anything of interest inside it?

    And, Virginians, please forgive us for thinking drugs: the vast majority of misery and murder in Baltimore is associated with use and abuse of substances.

    As far as her actions being so surprising and causing folks to be stunned go, we have found reality here to be much worse than fiction.

    Buz recalls the two incidents earlier this year when the Cockeysville 15-year-old killed his parents and two brothers, spent the night at a friend's house, and came back home to report to the police a home invasion and break-in.

    Then there was the Mcdonogh student who killed his mother with a baseball bat, and was attempting to do the same to his dad, till the timely arrival of the county police.

    This is really a strange case; hopefully we'll learn more. Sunspot has an interesting post from a Missing Persons organization describing how pimps find a lot of their worker-girls online, and lure them into the "life". But, PP, of course we have no prostitution goings-on in the Point, do we?

    By the way, Spring Street itself is nothing more than a glorified alley.

    And Fells Point on Halloween is no place for an unaccompanied 16-year-old.

  25. Ms. McCann was left in the 200 block of Spring Street. That isn't a street there, it is a court: Spring Street Court. Now who else wants to make some more assumptions?

  26. Some of the people on this "crime blog" need to calm down. These teens that you are telling to go talk to a grief couseler are just trying to find any information that may make sense to what happened to their friend my daughter included.

    More than likely they googled her name and it landed them here. These teens feelings are very raw at the moment and hurt and it doesn't help to see what they are seeing you write about their friend.

    You are also right that is a crime blog, but as these kids are telling you that there is no way she was doing this or doing that you need to stop and think before you text them and aruge with them. By doing this you are forcing them to defend her honor you need to show some human compassion.

    The kids that are here or on any blog defending their freind should not be told that because it happened in Baltimore then it is your taxpaying dollars at work and you must say some nasty things about someone you don't know and suggest things that you be appalled if anyone said about your child. Your right this is a blog that doesn't make you cops or even close. You were not at the scene nor do you know of any evidence, none of us to so why are arguing with these kids. All the money in world doesn't by CLASS and that is one thing some of you are lacking. You need to remember these are childen you are hurting and your job as adults or responsable citizans is not to make the hurt more.

    If you want to continue you blog on this unfortnate situation then by all means do but don't engage innocent, broken hearted kids. They are hurting enough and need everyones support.

  27. There's a story in this morning's (Sat 11/8/08) Washington Post about her disappearance.

  28. New article from the Mount Vernon Gazette just posted, though it doesn't give much more information than is already out there.

    So disturbing. They've got to find out what happened...
