Sunday, November 2, 2008

A 30-year-old man was shot twice in the hand on Pall Mall Road


  1. I think I asked this before, but does anyone here know anything about the two Court of Special Appeals judges who are on the ballot tomorrow? I hate how it's almost impossible for me to be an informed voter when judicial retention elections roll around.

  2. Here's something weird/sad. 16-year old Annie McCann from Fairfax, VA was found dead in the Perkins Homes early Sunday morning.

  3. I did a little web searchin' on the internets for Annie McCann and found an unrelated story.

    Here's a few quotes from it. Check out the second one. Dem'er smart down in Virginnie.

    "I think the baby was definitely the cause of her death," admitted her mother Jane.

    "If she hadn't been pregnant, she'd still be alive and she'd have a three-year-old baby," predicted Ken.

    The little-known truth is murder just may be one of the leading causes of death among pregnant women.

    There are many high profile examples — like former pro football player Rae Carruth convicted in the death of his pregnant girlfriend.

    But even Isabelle Horon, who studied the problem in Maryland, was stunned by her own findings that a pregnant woman is more likely to be murdered than to die of any other cause. "
