Friday, November 7, 2008

187 188

Adam Meister reports the fatal stabbing of a stripper on the block this morning.

187: unidentified man on Wednesday, shot to death in the Poppleton neighborhood.

Nine shootings in the city this week, mapped by spotcrime

An arrest for the murder of Nicole Sesker-- Joseph Antonio Bonds, who lived next door to where her body was found.

One man arrested, two suspects still at large for the murder of Cletus Ronnie Gittens in Woodlawn.

More on the story of the 85-year-old pastor carjacked by a 14-year-old.

A man beaten with a pipe and robbed in Mt. Washington.


  1. Thought I'd add this tidbit from a notice sent to the UB community:

    "Baltimore City Police are investigating a series of attacks that have occurred over the past three weeks in the 900 and 1200 blocks of St. Paul Street, and in the 1200 block of Calvert Street. These crimes have occurred between 2-3 a.m. in the victims' homes and involve burglary and sexual assault. In each case, the perpetrator entered the residence through an unlocked door or window. Police are advising those who live in or near this area to keep all doors and windows secured, especially during the late evening hours. If you see a suspicious person, call 911 immediately."

  2. "Joseph Antonio Bonds, who lived next door to where her body was found."

    When criminals stop making the least bit of effort to conceal or distance themselves from their murders, it's a sign of a bad neighborhood.

  3. "When criminals stop making the least bit of effort to conceal or distance themselves from their murders, it's a sign of a bad neighborhood."

    No kidding, today's criminals are so lazy. Couldn't they at least put in the effort to haul the body to Leakin Park, or dump it in the harbor. Abandoned rowhouses are also supposed to be good places to stash bodies.

  4. I thought the Light Rail was supposed to make it more convenient to commit crimes farther from ones local 'hood? Some people just don't get it...

  5. If you are a someone who has either killed or maimed someone, the last thing you want to do is start moving a body around. You'll end up transferring your DNA or other evidence to the body and even the Baltimore crime lab can figure that one out. The best thing to do is leave the body in place, especially if you shot the person. Most violent criminals get that because there hasn't bee a body dropped over at Leakin Park for years. In the case of Mr. Bonds, I can only assume he called the police because the body of that poor woman that he asphyxiated was going to attract vermin and start to stink. He probably wanted to protect his property value.

    Of course, the city police are smart. We all know how persnickety everyone gets around here when the neighbors put the trash out on the wrong day. Mr. Bonds chose the wrong excuse.

  6. Observation about Peter Hermann's UCR review:


    gun homicides - down
    gunshootings - down
    gun crimes - flat,

    implies that Gun Crimes - Other is up

    BUT, recall that they say armed robberies are way down.

    Is that because

    a) knife robberies are WAY down, OR

    b) some OTHER form of gun crime is up.


  7. So,

    it's not safe here,

    the City refuses to make it safe here,

    and now, private businesses cannot even make it safe for themselves using off-duty cops,


    the Baltimore City Police Department is looking into having them pay for the public safety of the streets & sidewalks by paying for cops themselves!

    So,... in other words,...

    you get nothing for your taxes and we should dissolve this useless bloodsucking municipal government.

  8. Armed robberies in south Charles Village.

    And they're not even included on this map.

  9. so is that two incidents in Poppleton Wednesday night? Because the thing in the blotter is a block down and east from murder #187.

    ...thanks Stace. It's not too safe around UB still I see. I remember every semester some student would always get mugged around the building...

  10. Dixon wants the moonlighting money for her corrupt government. Heaven forbid that it go to the cops doing the work at night.

    With the city council, Dixon, and Jessamy; crime in Baltimore will NEVER be controlled.

    It's incompetence heaped upon incompetence, with a heaping spoonful of incompetence.

    But, they will get re-elected as they, "are one of us", "go to church", or "are very articulate".
