Monday, November 17, 2008

Charles McGaney, 19 and Gary A. Collins, 20 charged with murder in the death of Ken Harris are scheduled for a bail review today at 9:30 AM at Central Booking and Intake Facility in Part 40. The defendants are in Group 1.


  1. Fire away....

    "Pilot Gunshot Detection System
    The new SECURES detection system is being tested today in the area of 29th and Charles streets, where 90 detector boxes have been installed on streetlights and elsewhere. The system, developed by a Reston, Va. firm, works by tracking gunshots via senor technology, and audibly alerting the university's communications center, enabling campus security and Baltimore police to immediately respond. The system is designed to add another layer of protection to the Homewood and Charles Village communities.

    It is possible you may hear the testing. Police specialists will be firing rounds into sand-filled dump trucks at 11 locations in the detection system area. There will be no danger."

  2. This isn't about Baltimore or Maryland, but I loved this editorial from the Manchester Union Leader so much that I just had to share it.

    For those who aren't familiar with the story, cop-killer Michael Addison could become the first person to be sentenced to death in the state of New Hampshire since 1959. Unlike the thug-huggers at the Baltimore Sun, the Union-Leader's editorial board apparently understands that the best way to deal with criminals is to punish them. Here's the money quote:

    "On Thursday, a jury convicted Michael Addison of capital murder for the slaying two years ago of Manchester Police Officer Michael Briggs. Now comes the hard part. What punishment does he receive?

    Justice demands one answer: death."

  3. Speaking of capital punishment, rapist, murderer and former death row inmate John Miller was sentenced to life in prison w/o the possibility of parole.

    BTW, am I the only one who wants to throw up when I read how often the Court of Appeals throws out death sentences? Family members of victims of victims go through years of legalese hell and prosecutors bust their their asses to send these scumbags to death row, and then the thug huggers on the Court of Appeals toss out one death sentence after another for the most frivolous reasons imaginable. Several off those asshats needs to be yanked off the bench, starting with chief-thug hugger Robert Bell.

  4. Given that the difference between the death penalty and life imprisonment is largely a matter of time, I've never gotten the angst over the issue.

  5. "Given that the difference between the death penalty and life imprisonment is largely a matter of time, I've never gotten the angst over the issue."

    Are you really that fucking stupid? John Miller will get to experience the simple joy of being alive for the next few decades, something he denied his victim.

  6. Wise is that fucking stupid.

    John Miller will now be able to watch TV, possibly get married to some pathetic woman prison groupie, sodomise his fellow prisoners, and possibly murder again.

  7. The days when these threads provided thought-provoking dialog seem to be long gone. Instead, the comments have devolved to infighting, baiting, name-calling, and agenda promotion.

    It is with sadness that I remove one of my last ties to this blog, and unsubscribe to the email notifications of new comments.

    MJB, I commend your tolerance and your patience.

    Good wishes to everyone here.

  8. taotechuck:

    I've seen many good blogs destroyed by this very challenge. The Internet has provided a free arena for discussion, but it has also allowed those on the fringe to find each other and drown out the discourse.

  9. A good first step to cleanse the flotsam would be to just delete the insipid drooling coming out of "i am so wise" . That zero's quips are so unbelievably smug and stupid that they make otherwise intelligent people start bashing their own heads against their laptops and start spewing bile in response to wise's doofy b.s. Just delete the turd and be done with it!
