Monday, November 10, 2008

Gird your loins & fire escapes

six rapes in a month in Mt Vernon?!

"Nathan Flynn and Sebastian Sassi, both of Pigtown, are trying to fix some of the problems in Baltimore’s Pigtown."


  1. When I saw the headline about the rapes in Mt. Vernon, for some reason I was expecting a different twist on the story....

  2. Sebastian, I love the pseudo-military set-up. The bald head, black t-shirt, and militaryesque style jacket really exude responsibility there. Your harsh with us or against attitude is really inspiring. Jesus Christ, son go read up on Curtis Sliwa and may be you’ll learn how to be effective.
    Actually, I shouldn’t mock you too much. I played the same sort of vigilante when I was a teenager.

  3. You are an incredible dolt. I'm not bald, I have brown hair. I cut it short because it's going salt and pepper and is really wavy and frizzy. Nice to see you've demoted yourself to making fun of my physical appearance. The jacket is a flight jacket that I wear because I'm a helicopter pilot in training and it's comfortable and nothing bad about getting it dirty. I'm not wearing my $400 Brooks Bros wool coat when flying a Robinson 22 or walking around alleys in Pigtown. The shirt isn't black, it's light blue because it's an authentic (as in I bought it in Italy) Gennaro Gattuso Azzuri (forza Italia!!! Vinciamo ancore!!) number 8 jersey. Yeah, that's super pseudo military. All the Navy Seals I know wear them. At least you recognize that's your last resort since you're apparently out of rational arguments.

    I'll let the effectiveness of my approach speak for itself. The people who actually live here all but uniformly agree that what I'm doing is what's working. Scratch that, I've yet to meet a law abiding Pigtown resident who doesn't think what I'm doing is essential. Baltimore PD agrees that what I'm doing is working. You think you know more than they do? Ha!

    I'm actually a member of the GA's as well, and I've met Curtis Sliwa. He'd tell you to go fuck yourself promptly for mocking and denigrating someone trying to make a difference. As for me being harsh, well...if you weren't on the wrong side of the issue, you wouldn't have much to complain about. Why wouldn't you want to be "with" the people trying to do something positive?

    It must really suck to see someone younger, smarter, stronger, and more successful than you doing something positive, eh?

    What a sad little person you must be. Your persistently negative, derogatory, petty comments tell us a lot more about you than they do about me.

  4. Oh crud, I looked at the picture. The Gennaro Gattuso #8 Italian National Team jersey was yesterday, that shirt was two days ago.

    It's a blue Pure Snowboarding shop jersey I got when I bought my snowboard last winter (once again, super duper military...I think blue long sleeve tees with ski shop logos are the new uniform for the USMC in Fallujah and Baquba and Afghanistan).

  5. "It must really suck to see someone younger, smarter, stronger, and more successful than you doing something positive, eh?"

    Not really. I've wanted to get a PhD and become a college professor since the 8th grade. That's what am I in the process of doing. So, I'm succeeding according to my metric.

    "I'll let the effectiveness of my approach speak for itself. The people who actually live here all but uniformly agree that what I'm doing is what's working. Scratch that, I've yet to meet a law abiding Pigtown resident who doesn't think what I'm doing is essential"

    I've noticed the experts, i.e. the police aren't nearly as impressed with you as you are with yourself. Hell, I think you're just shit up at time just like Sliwa to get attention. What's next? Will BCPD kidnap you? Stay tuned to Baltimore Crime blog.

    Also, I've spent a lot of time in Pigtown. The bars there were always suckers for a military ID card. When I flashed that, the liquor flowed. Never had a problem. I've come down there to photograph historic sites. Never had a problem. I drive through there all the time on my way to work. Never had a problem.

    Finally, I said "militaryesque style". I'll dumb it down for you. Militaryesque means like the military in style, form, and sometimes function, but not military. How about military wannabe? Does that work for you?

    "Your persistently negative, derogatory, petty comments tell us a lot more about you than they do about me"

    Yeah, Like, I've been there, tried that, and grew up. :) You will too.

  6. "Not really. I've wanted to get a PhD and become a college professor since the 8th grade. That's what am I in the process of doing. So, I'm succeeding according to my metric."

    Geeze, all that and you're still not smart enough to see that denigrating the efforts of others who are trying to make a difference is just about the dumbest thing somebody can do.

    Who's life have you made better today?

    "I've noticed the experts, i.e. the police aren't nearly as impressed with you as you are with yourself."

    Really? Which ones? I have BPD officers call me almost daily asking for leads on where to call the bad guys. I've had praise and support from Commissioner Bealefeld and the commander of the Southern. His operations squad and the liets and sgts who run it think pretty highly of me.

    But I'm sure you'll provide some quotes to support what you just said. Seriously--what cops are you talking about? I haven't met any telling me anything other than goddamn it, I wish we had more people like you.

    Still talking out of your ass I see--they'll hand PhD's to just about anyone these days I see.

    "Also, I've spent a lot of time in Pigtown. The bars there were always suckers for a military ID card."

    Ah, now I see why I rub you the wrong way. You're one of those USASG johns who's bummed that I'm chasing away his fat scab faced crack whores. Sorry I'm chasing away your Friday night $20 beejay.

    "Finally, I said "militaryesque style". I'll dumb it down for you."

    You also said pseudo military, as though that's something that's insulting, like military clothing is something reprehensible. I guess you're dumb enough to think that's insulting. Once again, we learn more about you than about me. Gee, wannabe? Why don't ya just call me a poophead and be done with it? If I wanted to join the military, I'd join. I'm sure they'd love to have me. I'm grateful to all who serve, but I'd rather not spend the next five years in the Big Sandbox. So...once again I think you're pretty far off the mark.

    Maybe I'm just a guy who likes wearing a nice looking jacket that is warm, not expensive, and not something to cry over if it gets dirty, torn, or covered in Aviation Fuel.

    Any other snide cracks about my appearance?

    Let's see some pictures of you. I'm sure it'll be edifying.

    "Yeah, Like, I've been there, tried that, and grew up. :) You will too."

    More diarrhea of the keyboard. I'd love to see any proof, indication, or evidence you've done anything remotely positive to make Baltimore better. Really. This ought to be rich.

    If being a petty, small minded, negative, hateful serial internet troll spouting unfounded, inaccurate nonsense from the relative safety of a keyboard is your idea of farkin thanks. I'd rather stay a kid than end up small minded cowardly bigot like you.

  7. Sebastian:

    There's no sense in arguing with i am so wise, it's not like you're going to convince him to give up trolling.

  8. While you're no doubt correct, I like pointing out that while we've removed 250 tons of trash from our neighborhood, chased out most of the drug dealers, doubled the property values, and forged a great relationship with the Mayor's office and the police...he's busying himself making fun of my appearance and fashion choices.

    I never fail to get a kick out of hanging an asshole as much rope as he needs to hang himself by showing the whole world what a douchebag he really is. :)

  9. Sebastian:

    It would be nice if someone could do a study on the small percentage of xenophobic white males who show up on various message boards and comment sections and find out why they have a tremendous fear and anger toward black males and urban centers.

  10. "find out why they have a tremendous fear and anger toward black males and urban centers."

    Uh, look at crime statistics.

  11. Cham, that sounds like an interesting study. Can you point me to such a person? I'd love to start reading up on people like that.

    As somebody who loves Baltimore and can't understand how someone could be angry at it, and as someone who is one of the few white faces on his block who can't understand racists in the least, I'd love to be able to better understand where such people come from.

    Please advise.

  12. Sebastian:

    Go take a look at the entire group over there at the Locals message board over on the Baltimore Sun forums for some more fine examples.

  13. "A fine example above."

    Are you saying that if you were walking home in Baltimore after dark and you saw a group of hoodlumy-looking guys heading in your general direction you wouldn't try to keep your distance? I know I'd rather come off as being a bit politically incorrect than end up as the next Zach Sowers.

  14. Ppatin:

    I walk the streets in Baltimore City after dark all the time. I've never had a problem and I never try to keep my distance from people heading in my direction. I have a grasp of street etiquette, which you clearly don't.

  15. Sebastian:

    you wrote:

    As somebody who loves Baltimore and can't understand how someone could be angry at it

    Question: how could you not understand the disgust many feel toward the government which has by its poor policies created an open-air penitentiary of what was once one of the finest cities in the U.S. ??

  16. "Once again, we learn more about you than about me. Gee, wannabe? Why don't ya just call me a poophead and be done with it? If I wanted to join the military, I'd join. I'm sure they'd love to have me. I'm grateful to all who serve, but I'd rather not spend the next five years in the Big Sandbox."

    What did you learn about me but I am amused by people who wear military style clothing? It didn't disclose the fact I was a member of the National Guard or thatI broke both legs in BMT and can no longer walk without pain. In fact, we did learn that you'll pull the patriotic card out even when its utterly inappropriate.

    Ah, now I see why I rub you the wrong way. You're one of those USASG johns who's bummed that I'm chasing away his fat scab faced crack whores. Sorry I'm chasing away your Friday night $20 beejay. "

    I bought copius amounts of liquor there. As I note in my blog, I've never had sex so you're not effecting me either way. Learn to read before you play hero.

  17. "What did you learn about me but I am amused by people who wear military style clothing?"

    That when you see someone doing something overwhelmingly positive for a city that desperately needs it, you poke fun at them and belittle them from behind an anonymous keyboard hideout like the coward that you are. Hey, whatever smallminded shit "amuses" you.

    "In fact, we did learn that you'll pull the patriotic card out even when its utterly inappropriate."

    I did no such thing. In fact I didn't mention patriotism or anything like it. You can't even get the basic facts right, hallmark of the serial troll.

    "Learn to read before you play hero."

    Given your poor grasp of reality as demonstrated repeatedly in this thread an others, I hardly think you're in position to question anyone else's reading comp. Speaking of which I see you still haven't come up with any cops who share your shitty outlook on what I'm doing. BTW, a Sgt on the operations squad called me a little while back asking for hints on where to find bad guys tonight.

    Who called you?

    That's what I thought. Life must be really extra sad in your pathetic world tonight. When you're done here, why don't you belittle some people who volunteer at animal shelters and then fling mud at some people who bring meals to elderly indigent folk?

    Maybe when you're done with that you can find some Red Cross workers to make fun of.

    At least the drug dealers have the courage to be assholes to your face.
