Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two years for attempted murder, nine for coke

A guy who got two years for attempted murder in back in the pokey after violating his probation. reports the SA's office:
Chief Administrative Circuit Court Judge Marcella Holland today sentenced Leonard Shelley, 23, of the 3400 block of W. Saratoga Street, to 9-years {sic} in prison for violating the terms of his probation on case number 101099031... In 2002, Shelley, 17 years, pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree murder and handgun violations. Court documents show that Leonard Shelley was arguing with a man and then took out a gun. The man he was arguing with ran away as Shelley fired the gun. Another man who was riding by on a bicycle with no connection to the argument was struck. In a plea agreement reached on March 15, 2002, Shelley received a sentence of 20-years {sic} with 15-years {sic} suspended and 3-years {sic} probation. He was released from incarceration in August 2004. His probation would have expired in August 2007, but he was arrested on a new narcotics case in February 2007 ... In July 2008, Shelley pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute cocaine in case number 2072101008 and received an 18-month. Today’s 9-year sentence is consecutive to that sentence.


  1. It looks like Shelley was convicted of attempted murder, not murder. IMO the crimes should be one and the same (when I was little I was always taught "it's the thought that counts") however it's not quite as bad as if an actual murderer had gotten two years.

  2. Here is a longer and more detailed article from the Sun about rapist and murderer John Miller. I want to throw up at how pathetic our so-called "justice" system is.

  3. Looks like there's a rash of muggings in the Belair-Edison area. From the Neighborhoods of Greater Lauraville listserve:

    FYI - There was an armed robbery in the 3700 block of Eastwood Drive
    in Arcadia (across from Herring Run Park) last Friday night. I don't
    have all of the information, but the woman was driving back to her
    home on Eastwood after dark when she saw 4 young men loitering on the
    street. When she parked her car they pulled a gun on her and robbed
    her. I don't have good descriptions of the suspects as the information
    I have received is from the woman's neighbor. If I learn more, I'll
    post it. STAY SAFE!

    Around 5pm last Friday night, my friend was mugged in the 2300
    block of Chesterfield, which is right across the park from the
    incident at 3700 Eastwood. Again, three or four young men approached
    her and placed a gun to the back of her head. She had nothing on her
    and they pushed her & ran off. She's fine but a bit shaken. She
    could tell they were pretty young (we're guessing high school), but
    she couldn't see their faces, as it was dark & they were wearing

    It's getting dark a lot earlier now, and I wouldn't be surprised if we
    see a spike in this kind of thing.

  4. thanks pp. as I skimmed that Press release I got completely fixated on the hyphens. Misplaced hyphens make me uncomfortable.
