Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#215, and a policewoman stealing cars?

... and what other shiteousness did we miss? Well... eight murders, for starters, including:

A man shot to death in the 3400 block of Park Heights Ave., Hermann reports it was a drug-revenge killing, ravaging, yet defining, the neighborhood

Four homicide victims ID'd: Perrish Parker, 14; Darren Davis, 26; Troy Brown, 45; Alton Alston, 19.

In other craptacular news,
"A Baltimore police officer and her husband are now the targets of an expanding investigation into vehicles stolen from the city’s Pulaski Highway impound lot, a law enforcement source told The Examiner this week."

Methadone mom Vernice Harris is reportedly not doing so well in rehab.

A PA former police officer was arrested for abducting and raping a heroin addict

But in better news, county police arrested one Rex Wesley for the murder of Donna Brown (ex-wife of Warren), and made arrests in two other murders.

Demented dad Mark Castillo was zapped with a Tazer when he tried to walk out of a courtroom in MoCo

Over at the BJ watch, anticipation is building for Empriss' court date

... and Michael Phelps is dating a stripper.


  1. I hope that Mark Castillo was zapped a few more times than necessary.

  2. what type of gun was used in the triple on Oak-somthing? ak-47? i heard it was a "rifle".

    Yo Buz, get ya people on this one and tell me what kind of gun it was : )haha

  3. i know AK-47s are common in places such as New Orleans..a fully auto AK can tear a whole block apart, let alone 4 people in a car.

  4. An AK-47 on full auto, especially in the hands of an untrained hoodlum, probably won't hit much of anything.

  5. true..but when you walk up to a car with it on full auto....well then you got a bloody curious to find if it was indeed an AK

  6. Almost every time you hear the weapon was an probably wasn't. AKs are full auto and rare. Most of what gets reported as an AK is actually a semi auto clone that might *look* like an AK but doesn't function like one.

  7. Will we ever find out what type of "high powered" rifle was used? that should be public knowledge

  8. pp---the zapping didn't seem to help. The final punishment for him would be the death penalty, but for now we'll have to settle for his wife's refusal to give him a good-bye kiss.

    Bmore: Sebastian took the words right out of my mouth; a real AK is rare; it goes fully automatic; however, as he points out, there are a whole lot of copycats out there--and hardly any go fully auto, thank goodness. Though I had read that the weapon used was "high-powered", it could have been a larger handgun(s). Though I have not been following the reports closely, I didn't notice that a rife was used. Though not unheard, use of rifles, unless sawed-off, are relatively rare because of the inability to conceal. And yes, a real AK would go right through a car, except, possibly, the engine block and thru a cinderblock wall in your house.

    I had not heard they were common in New Orleans--or anywhere else.

    pp--Yes, they can be very hard to handle for an untrained individual, but the firepower on full or semiauto can be used to "spray" an area, greatly increasing the chances of hitting something. So, our police officers, with their semi-automatic .40-caliber pistols, have some of the same ability to spray an area during a gun battle, thus bringing into play some of the advantages of a shotgun.

    Bmore--I let you know if I hear something.

    Sebastian---keep up the good work riding heard on the "clowns who have never grown up" in pigtown. Are those two dirtballs still in custody?

  9. Seeing as how most Baltimore murders are committed with handguns almost any rifle should be "high powered" by comparison.

  10. Buz/Ppatin

    An early report on WJZ stated that "a rifle was found at the scene"..that rifle could have been in the victim(s) car, or left at the scene.

    There is a great show on the History channel called "Gangland".Each week they document a specific City or gang. The episode they did on New Orleans explained how they drug crews down there prefer the AK-47.

    If it was a "high powered" handgun then it should have been a .50 or a .44 ..But if im correct, those only hold a max of 6-8 shots.Of course that is enough shots to cause major damage, but something tells me that there were alot more bullets fired then 6-8 (unless the .50 cal had an exdended clip, but i doubt that..for some reason i am ver curious to find out.

  11. Does anyone have any more info on the homicide on South Clinton Street the other day? I live around the corner from there and the neighbors are unable to provide any information about the shooting except it was a known dealer and it happened around 2am on Monday.


  12. Brian--
    You can click on, type in the block on S. Clinton Street and get just a little more info.

    Basically, the area around Baltimore and Highland, and north, and a little bit south is deteriorating in the direction of heavy street crime, drugs, and prostitution. It varies by block, and I used to recommend people stay south of Baltimore Street in that area, but on certain streets Eastern is becoming the DMZ.

  13. I thought this bit was appropriate:

    Of all the weapons in the vast soviet arsenal nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova model of 1947, more commonly known as the AK-47, or Kalashnikov. It's the worlds most popular assault rifle, a weapon all fighters love. An elegantly simple nine pound amalgamation of forged steel and plywood, it doesn't break, jam, or overheat. It will fire whether it's covered in mud or filled with sand. It's so easy even a child could use it, and they do. The Soviets put the gun on a coin. Mozambique put it on their flag. Since the end of the Cold War, the Kalashnikov has become the Russian people's greatest export. After that comes vodka, caviar, and suicidal novelists. One thing is for sure, no one was lining up to buy their cars.

  14. That's a fun movie quote (and it's deliciously ironic that you'd quote a movie that makes a great case for the futility of gun control in general), but it doesn't change the fact that most of the crimes you read about where eeeeeeeeeeevil AKs are involved are generally semi auto weapons. And thusly not AK47s.

  15. Hey Buz,
    the one guy landed 120 more days in jail thanks to my testimony. The other is facing a federal trial this month but isn't in jail right now.

    The guy that said he's going to burn Nathan's house down has a warrant for VOP, not sure if it's been served.

    The good news is that the junkies are griping about how hard dope is to find around here, and drug and other crime is way down. We're winning.

    It hurts some people's wittle feeeeeewings to hear it...but sometimes it takes an armed private citizen to get it done.

  16. Sebastian-PGP,

    I think what you guys are doing in South Baltimore is dangerous, but I am very happy you guys are willing to do it. I used to live there about 3 years ago on Ostend St. Sitting on my front steps I had guys trying to pick me up and junkies looking for drugs. My family would not come visit. If you looked down an alley or into a parked car, it was a very great chance you'd see a) someone doing drugs b) full on sex going on. It was not a place for anybody! I drove to see a friend of mine the other day and was very surprised I did not see one prostitute standing on a corner. So defintley keep doing what you are doing!!

  17. Guys, This One has got to go onto the list of hot links, if only for its Most Wanted registry.

  18. An interesting story about someone Driving While Black in Towson last night.

  19. Hey Raechelle,
    Thanks for the kind words! It is dangerous, but it's getting safer all the time. The bad guys are starting to figure out that the demographics in our area are getting better and they're not going to be able to intimidate me and my friends out. It won't happen overnight, but we've come too far to turn around (ridiculous comments from certain cynics around here notwithstanding hehehe).

    We're winning and getting ahead all the time...we're not going away...too bad for the bad guys :).
