Tuesday, December 16, 2008

224, 225, 226

A fatal shooting this morning near Pimlico race course

A fatal shooting yesterday evening on the east side at North Lakewood Avenue and East Chase Street

A man was shot to death last night on Fairlawn Ave., reportedly the 3rd person this year to be killed near the Rogers Avenue metro station.

The man stabbed to death on Jack St. last week was ID'd as Larry Gaither, 44.

What the?! A mother was taken to Central Booking and her son and another boy were hauled to juvie after a fracas with a school police officer

Police have obtained a warrant seeking the arrest of two alleged accomplices of Juwann Smith in connection with the theft of cars from the city's impound lot.

it's nice to see someone being exposed to literature


  1. Consistent with the theme of robbing asian restairants in the vicinity of North Central Balto. City, we note that Charles Village has not escaped unscathed, either.

    Also, yesterday afternoon not one but two households were robbed at gunpoint in Better Waverly.

    Further, last night around 7:00 pm, a woman was robbed on Greenmount & 34th not ten minutes after four police cars left that block from an earlier incident.

  2. When you said that an asian restaurant in Charles Village was robbed I was hoping it would be Orient Express. That place is godawful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Galt,

    Better Waverly's southern border is Exeter Hall. 26th and Charles is Harwood. It's a matter of blocks but it's a big difference.

