Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hearth and Home

More details on the murder of Travis Makofski/Mafoski, 28: he was shot during the course of a home invasion, in which a gun was held to his mother's head. No word on if the suspects were caught (but odds are they haven't been).
Especially between now and Christmas, don't open the door to anyone if you're not sure who it is! It's the most dangerous time of the year right now!

"Police advise crime victim to move"

"Two veteran Baltimore city homicide detectives are facing an internal investigation after allegedly refusing to cooperate in attempts to evict a public housing tenant."

"A Goucher College student who allegedly was sexually assaulted has come forward but is not cooperating with Baltimore County police, police said."

What the?! Dept:
"A man who was convicted of four sex offenses involving a 14-year-old girl is entitled to a new trial because of the way the last member of the jury was chosen, the Court of Appeals held."

"A Prince George's County police lieutenant charged four times this year with driving under the influence passed out behind the wheel of a running police cruiser in one incident, had to be Tasered and pepper-sprayed in another and was at fault in a hit-and-run in a third"


  1. "Police advise crime victim to move"

    Brought to you by the Baltimore City Visitors Board.

    In the same paper there is an article about Baltimore City's dropping real estate transfer tax revenue. Wonder why that is happening........

  2. Uhhh...maybe due to a global real estate slowdown?
