Friday, January 30, 2009


A man was shot to death yesterday afternoon in the 900 block of Poplar Grove St.

More on car-break-ins from the Sun

The feds are working to seize "17 Maryland properties and 14 bank accounts they say are the fruits of an $18 million, illegal video slot-machine gambling operation"

Down at the federal courthouse, a guy who tried to "computer bomb" Fannie Mae

More mortgage drama: Gansler's gotten Countrywide to consent to loan modification and $2.1 million in foreclosure relief

Gawker has the memo the poor Examiner staff got yesterday, if you're interested.
Projected synergies were not realized :(
but pizza was free :)
(more media bad news elsewhere... & how about those "Pampered 'A-Holes' at Time Inc.)

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