Thursday, January 15, 2009

67 percent

of 2008's homicides are still open, says the CP.

And names of last week's six murder victims, and the girl "shot to death in the 5600 block of Loch Raven Boulevard on Jan. 4 has been identified as Mayresa Craft, a 15-year-old African-American girl from Towson."

also, "A Map of Recently Seized Baltimore-Bound Drug Packages"

kerrikingPerhaps you remember the story of Kerri King from last year? Perhaps the photo will remind you? She got 16 years. In the city no less. Says the SAO:
At a hearing today Kerri J. King, 36, of the 100 block of Danford Drive, Elkton, MD pled guilty to vehicular manslaughter, leaving the scene of a fatal accident and two counts of driving while under the influence of alcohol. Judge Thomas J.S. Waxter sentenced King to 16 years in prison; 10 years for the manslaughter count, five years for the leaving the scene of an accident count and one year for the driving under the influence count. Details:
On December 31, 2007, Kerri King struck and killed Officer Courtney Brooks of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department as he directed holiday traffic at the intersection of Exit 53 on northbound Interstate 95. Evidence presented at the hearing today indicated that King had been drinking heavily for 12 hours prior to 11:20PM accident, that the impact of the collision threw Officer Brooks 79 feet through the air and that she fled the scene, actively trying to elude capture by driving home on back roads following the accident.


  1. Here's a great quote from idiot state senator Lisa Gladden.

    "It doesn’t matter if the state of Maryland is broke as long as Barack Obama is going to be President of the United States – this is great!"

    I just thought I should point out that this braindead woman is also the leading advocate for the repeal of the death penalty in the State Senate.

  2. I still can't believe that someone as gross as Kerri King is a stripper. I'd pay her money to keep her clothes on!

  3. Ms. Gladden is also one of the double dipping public servants we have working against us in Annapolis. While she complains about crime she is also employed as a Public Defender in Baltimore City helping to set free the thugs that make this such a dangerous city.

    Oh why oh why do such people get elected?

  4. The gunman shot by police in Lower Waverly has died.

  5. Jack Young was ... prompted... to leave CompStat yesterday. He's not happy about it.

  6. Jack, John Adams also defended unpopular people and was elected President. Your suggestion that people shouldn't support her simply because she is a criminal defense attorney is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. Criminal defense lawyers are a necessary evil in our legal system, however seeing as how their careers revolve around protecting thugs and criminals it seems pretty obvious that they should not be the ones who are also writing our laws.

  8. "Criminal defense lawyers are a necessary evil in our legal system, however seeing as how their careers revolve around protecting thugs and criminals it seems pretty obvious that they should not be the ones who are also writing our laws."

    The whole judicial system is a necessary evil. Government is a necessary evil(although sometimes I wonder how necessary). Criminal defense lawyers, like prosecutors, doctors, businessmen, and other professionals should play a part in writing or repealing laws. It is important for all sides to be heard.

  9. Criminal defense lawyers should not be writing our laws. The people they're supposed to protect are the enemies of civilized society. Their advocates should not be our lawmakers.

  10. "Criminal defense lawyers should not be writing our laws. The people they're supposed to protect are the enemies of civilized society. Their advocates should not be our lawmakers."

    We don't like crime and we don't like criminals. We protect the Constitution and justice from scum like you.

  11. Ah ha ha, I should have known you were a criminal defense lawyer. Keep telling yourself that you're some noble defender of the constitution. That probably makes it easier for you to sleep at night after you help a murderer or rapist walk free. As for justice, our current legal system provides nothing of the sort.

  12. "As for justice, our current legal system provides nothing of the sort."

    Then what sort of system would you propose? Trial by ordeal? You wouldn't need defense attorneys then.
