Wednesday, January 28, 2009

$872 million

... an estimate of the value of Baltimore's "informal economy". Also plenty of other enlightening info in this week's CP cover story.
Fascinating fact: "federal prosecutors here have doled out sentence reductions for 'substantial assistance'--that is, snitching--at almost double the national rate."


  1. "federal prosecutors here have doled out sentence reductions for 'substantial assistance'--that is, snitching--at almost double the national rate."

    And is there any reason to trust any thing they say? They would lie about their mothers to save themselves.

  2. Seeing as how you don't become an Assistant US Attorney by being a retard, one would hope that they make sure to corroborate what their witnesses are saying.

    BTW, this is why I <3 federal sentencing rules. Stop Snitching becomes much less convincing when you're looking at 30 years w/o parole.

  3. Awesome picture of Sebastian-PGP in the Citypaper article. An armed law-abiding citizen is a criminal's worst nightmare.

  4. "An armed law-abiding citizen is a criminal's worst nightmare"

    Which is why Sebastian-PGP's neighborhood has zero crime.

  5. I Am So Annoying:

    It's not like Sebastian is a one man army. Most law-abiding Baltimoreans are unarmed, since the geniuses in Annapolis have decided that citizens don't deserve to be able to defend themselves.

  6. Wish I could say I was surprised that IASW had something so unwise to say. If he, like me, had had the chance to sit down with the commander of the Souther District for BPD, he'd know they're very impressed with how crime has dropped on this post. I've been privy to the violent crime stats for the ENTIRE SD thanks to getting to know those folks, and have seen that our violent crime rates are comparable to Federal Hill's now. We've made tremendous progress.

    Imagine if other law abiding folk in Pigtown didn't have to fear being unarmed while Pookie and DeyDey are most certainly able to go strapped.

    What's funny is the only thing I hear from BPD is "gee, wish we could have more folks like you around". They know their job would be a lot easier and lot less frustrating.

    Well Not So Wise, why don't you go ask your favorite group of felons whether they'd prefer armed or unarmed victims to choose from?

    There's one in every crowd. In this case, our resident chowderhead seems to think the point ppatin was making was somehow that my being able to defend myself was somehow an indication there'll be no crime. Man, it's amazing people can be so daft...and yet unashamed to post their daftness for all to see.

    No wonder he's anonymous.

  7. Anyone care to place bets as to whether Not So Wise and Count Tousser are one and the same?

  8. Liberals want the entire population weaponless. That way, the people are even more reliant on the government (this time for protection).

  9. As a general rule I think anti gunners aren't so sophisticated. Their beliefs simply stem from the misguided instinct that young black men will quit offing each other at alarming rates if we just take the tools away from them. The problem is the only way they can come up with for disarming Pookie and DeyDey is disarming law abiding black people and white people and every other type of people.

  10. "Seeing as how you don't become an Assistant US Attorney by being a retard," - see, now I would have said just the opposite.

  11. "see, now I would have said just the opposite."

    Feeling a little bitter about regularly having your ass kicked by the good guys in court?
