Monday, January 19, 2009


A reader reported a fatal shooting Saturday night on Bayard and Ward Sts. in Pigtown.

Efrain Bonilla, 52, was shot in the 200 block of South Broadway at 2:28 a.m.

A West Virginia woman was shot twice in the 2100 block of W. Fairmount Ave., "apparently as she was attempting to buy drugs," her condition in unknown.

A double shooting in Edgewood about 12 hours after Obama's visit

Has Operation Safe Streets' conflict resolution style worked in McElderry Park?

Councilman Jack Young [D-12]: "I think the homicide rate is not factual"

In Salisbury, 27-year-old Brookes Harmon died after being bound with duct tape during a home invasion.


  1. A convicted murderer escaped from MCI-Hagerstown. If we executed murderers this would not be an issue.

    BTW, why the hell was this guy in a medium-security facility?

  2. I managed to sleep through the shooting (I live on the corner of Ward and Bayard) but was awoken by a call from my favorite Sgt on the Ops Unit saying congrats, after three murder free years in my part of the 'hood, we had the Southern's first murder of 2009. It appears to have been a barfight at Carroll Station that broke bad and ended up with this execution type deal. 8 or 9 shell casings on the ground, the guy not pulled from the car until about 3am, three hours after shots fired. Saw the OCME take the body away under a tarp, the car hauled away to evidence. Bummer. Heard a rumor about who the victim is from a friend, but don't want to say too much in a public forum until the cops have time to investigate.

    Somebody knows exactly who the shooter is, but my guess is the stop snitchin code will prevail.
