Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday! Friday! Friday!

This Friday at 7:30 at the Theatre Project there will be a staged reading of 2008's Murder Ink by everyone's favorite crime reporter, Anna Ditkoff, to benefit the House of Ruth.


  1. Another one of the braindead apes from Stop Snitching has been indicted on federal gun charges. Apparently the Federales are trying to build a murder case against him as well based on the testimony of a couple of snitches.

    The two idiot women who appeared in court to support this lowlife trash should be forcibly sterilized so that they can't spread their stupid genes any more.

  2. Ppatin:

    Let's review. Kill someone here and you pretty much can count on getting away with it. Make a video and the entire police department as well the US Federales will spend years tracking you down and hounding you until they can arrest you on a handgun violation.

  3. Cham:

    Most of the guys who made Stop Snitching were also committing very serious crimes (drug dealing, murder, etc.) They weren't a bunch of wannabe punks, they were dangerous hoodlums who should be taken off of the street.

    Skinny Suge actually got off quite lightly when he was prosecuted for assault a couple of years after he released that stupid DVD, but then later the Feds indicted him for some RICO stuff so he's probably looking at decades in the pokey.

  4. Cham:

    All depends who you kill. From a blurb in the Sun, it sounds like 17 year old 'victim' Mr. Thorpe was convicted of two counts of attempted murder last week by a local NGO and was sentenced to death. I haven't heard any kicking and screaming about this in the news yet, and I am not holding my breath.

  5. #9: the owner of the Chinese carryout joint who was shot on Webb Ct. has died.

    Same article, #8 was ID'd as Joshua Harris. He lived on E. Madison St. and was killed at about 5pm on January 5 in the 3600 block of Reisterstown Rd., near Violet Ave.

  6. 9/5=1.8. That would be a projection of 657 murders for 2009. That would be 109 per 100,000 residents. We may not be safe from murderers but we sure as heck are safe from videographers. I feel better already.

  7. "#9: the owner of the Chinese carryout joint who was shot on Webb Ct. has died."

    That sucks. I don't really care when hoodlums off each other, but when a working man gets killed while trying to make a living it makes me want to scream. I bet his murderers will never be caught, and if they are they'll get away with a slap on the wrist.

  8. That makes the second food delivery man murdered in two months. Pat & company have engineered a system in which there is no fear when killing such people. There is no NGO to protect such folks.

  9. "There is no NGO to protect such folks."

    It's called the NRA. Unfortunately the state of Maryland denies law-abiding citizens the right to carry a firearm to defend themselves.

  10. Speaking of NGOs, another great organization that's worth supporting is the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation. They're an organization that works to limit the rights of accused and convicted criminals, and protect the rights of crime victims. If you're ever looking for a good cause that could use your support it's hard to beat the CJLF.
