Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A hostage drama at the 7-11 near Herring Run Park leads to police shooting a suspect

Christopher Williams was arrested for killing his cousin Mario on New Year's Day

More Dixon. Somebody told me Lipscomb and Helen Holton also had an affair. True?
(Obama's coming to town Saturday... I wonder if there'll be a photo op with the mayor?)
And more: Mayor remains upbeat, eats cake, ejects fotogs from luncheon
WJZ: who is employee number one?


  1. More legalese bullshit in the Mark Castillo case. If we had a real justice system this a-hole would've been tried, convicted and fried within a month.

  2. Mario was the one who died.

    This blog used to be pretty serious but now it seems like the violence and crime it reports have become almost satirical in its delivery.

  3. A young man, a good kid, a genuinely NICE kid was recently shot in my neighborhood. Do you know what this CHILD was into? He was into NOTHING - he didnt smoke, drink, do drugs or get into trouble. He smiled every single day and made it a point to say hello to me whenever he saw me...with a genuine smile on his face. I am so mad, so angry that this happened. The homicide detectives interviewed me, as I was the one who found the murder victim. I am terrified that someone might think I am a witness since the police took me down to Homicide in front of EVERYONE - they put me in the car where everyone could see, which to everyone watching, could appear as though I am a witness. What kind of protection can they offer me? I voiced my concerns to the detectives and they have told me not to worry. I saw no one...I saw nothing, yet they made me go with them since I heard the gun shots, called the police and found the half dead man who later died. I wish Ed Norris was still our Commissioner. I want to take our streets back from these animals and thugs, but I feel helpless and overpowered because of their guns and their tactics. I have a very nice home, yet I can’t sell it for the life of me because these thugs are taking over our streets/neighborhoods. My sleeping patterns have completely changed because I am scared to go to bed. I am constantly aware - every noise, every strange light outside, every odd thing out of place puts me on edge. Maybe I am being paranoid, but I do not think so, as I know these barbarians who murder senselessly have no regard for life. It is 2:15 a.m. and I am still awake - afraid to go to bed. I have to get up in the morning for work and it is doubtful I will fall asleep anytime soon. This is no way to live as a home owner. Becoming more active in the neighborhood only makes me fear that I will become a target - because believe me, I could really stir things up if I wanted to...I have that type of determination when I am fighting for something I believe in. These thugs would only see me as someone to eliminate. One more thing to mention - it took the police 7-10 minutes to arrive, which I think is ridiculous since any given day I can find a police officer parked at the local 7-11, bullshitting about absolutely NOTHING. Those 7-10 minutes felt like an eternity. I truly understand that now when people say that...5 minutes isn't a long time, but when you are in danger or someone is hurt, those 5 mintues truly felt like forever.

  4. Anonymous:

    Until we have a justice system that criminals actually fear nothing will get better. When it takes years to convict and punish even those who are unquestionably guilty of the most monstrous crimes it's no wonder that the attitude on the street is that you can engage in hoodlumery with no real legal consequences. The only solution to Baltimore's crime problem is brutal punishments for criminals. I'm not talking about just jail time either. We need to hang people the way that Singapore does, and flog criminals for their crimes. This will never happen of course, so our civilization will continue in its slow and steady decline.

  5. We have the criminal justice system we have because the majority of people in the city only support a strongly aggressive criminal justice system in theory only. As soon as you spell out what needs to be done our good citizens shy away. Crime is to entrenched in our city, just about everyone has either a criminal or two or three in the family. People say one thing but do another.
