Thursday, January 29, 2009


Unshockingly, Wells Fargo's lawyers have asked that the "predatory lending" lawsuit against the bank be dismissed, pointing out that Baltimore itself has foreclosed on 600 more properties than Wells Fargo in the last eight years for unpaid water bills.


  1. I wonder how much it will cost the City of Baltimore to file that lawsuit.

  2. Reminds me of the fact that the city tried to fine me for having too many brooms in my back yard (I hold onto the community centers brooms and shovels for the weekend community cleanups)...never mind that the messiest, nastiest lots in the neighborhood are city owned lots that are used for dumping and drug dealing.

    I haven't seen the city fining itself.

  3. The whole idea of "predatory lending" is bullshit. Whatever happened to borrowers bearing some responsibility for the loans they get into? The idea that Wells Fargo targeted minorities is actually kind of racist, because it implies that minority borrowers are less capable of making financial decisions for themselves.

    Also, if WF hadn't been making loans to minority customers you can be sure that the National Association of Always Complaining People would have also whined racism.
