Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stealing from the poor? So what!

She's accused of taking money from needy families to pay for furs and video games, but "City leaders back mayor".
Of local politicians, only Mikulski seems to have acknowledged the charges.
Olesker: it's the gift cards
Rodricks: it's the sense of entitlement
Vozzella: it's the money laundering, stupid!

William Devereux Zantzinger died-- a S.Md tobacco farmer best known for his role in the death of Hattie Carroll-- you might remember the story from two years ago?


  1. Speaking of friends of Dixon, is sebastian still crowing about how Dixon called him a friend?

    This a shameless plug, but once upon a time, Baltimore was known amongst the business community for possessing fewer corrupt political figures and delivering superior city services. (

    Perhaps it is time to wheel Willie Don out of the home and give him a a chance to play Samuel Smith.

  2. So that's how payola is done! With gift cardz from ToysRus! What's really weird is why all these gift cards are flying around the Baltimore Housing Dept. and various "Developers" in the first place. But we need to "get over it" - there are bigger problems now to face; a warning is about all that's really due here.

  3. It makes me sick that the other politicians are rallying around Sheila as if she is a victim. This woman ripped off the city by voting for contracts for her boyfriend and took bribes to do it! She is a crook!! Take the side of the true victims - us! Such a patheticly blind group of morons run this city. I am soo moving out as soon as I find some sucker to buy into city living and buy my worthless house.

  4. Not so wise: Sheila was quite the friend to our neighborhood. And it was pretty cool when she took me to a Raven's game at her corporate booth to say thanks.

    None of that excuses what she's done. I suppose I could go around erasing pictures of me and her from my website and FB and myspace and such...but what's the point? Only a real idiot like you would try to draw negative associations.

    Don't you ever get bored trying to be the most negative person in the room?
