Thursday, January 22, 2009

Your Tax $ at Work

Guess who's probably going to get to pay for the Mayor's defense?

We may also get to foot the bill should there be an award in "An attorney’s own wrongful termination case against the Baltimore City Law Department ... Howard B. Hoffman, now 38 and an employment attorney in Rockville, claims he was the victim of racially motivated abuse for nearly two years"

So, do those blinking blue cameras do anything (besides irk residents, stigmatize blocks and make large swaths of the city look festooned for Hannukah)? The mayor's & state's attorney's offices say they believe the cameras may be helpful in certain situations, a report from UC Berkeley casts doubt on cameras' effectiveness at deterring violent crime.

So the city's broke, how is it going to pay for these lawsuits and blue lights?
Time for some "'A' game" "creative" and "newly aggressive pursuit of miscreants"!

Down in Annapolis, the Baltimore delegation has asked for the mayor to have the power to fire the police commissioner at will.

County police are looking for a guy who may have robbed eight(!) banks


  1. The city's lawsuit against Wells Fargo is exceptionally idiotic, and quite frankly a little racist. By saying that minorities were hit harder by "predatory loans" they're kind of implying that minorities are less capable of making sound financial decisions, and require government hand-holding. Oh so typical and idiotic. If a homeowner got into a loan that he can't afford then that person has no one to blame but himself.

  2. The idea that the taxpayers should have to pay for Dixon's sleazeball lawyers makes me want to throw up. When Pat Jessamy maliciously prosecuted a couple of law-abiding citizens a few years ago because they shot and killed a hoodlum who was burglarizing their business they were still responsible for their legal bills after their acquittal. Maybe Sheila Dixon shouldn't have whored herself out to slimy developers if she didn't want to get whacked with legal fees.

  3. the legal fees disgust me. what happens if (and most likely) they reach an agreement out of court, and drop most charges but settle on a couple of less heinous charges? do taxpayers still foot the bill? there's too many variables to say, only charge the taxpayers with this if they're cleared.
