Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Years for Marine's Killer

From the SAO:
"Today, Judge Paul Smith sentenced Maurice Crosby, 20, of the 5200 block of Ready Avenue to 10 years in prison for the involuntary manslaughter of Marine Reservist Michael Simms. The State asked for 20 years.

A Baltimore City Jury convicted Crosby November 1, 2008 for involuntary manslaughter second degree assault and possession of a deadly weapon with intent to injure following several days of testimony and eight-hours of deliberations based on the following facts of the case. On June 10, 2007 Maurice Crosby and several other persons became involved in an argument which escalated to a melee in the unit block of S. Chapel Street. During the melee Crosby produced a knife and fatally stabbed Michael Simms, 19. Two other persons were injured with the knife but survived the assault.

A co-defendant, Erica Ammenhauser, 21, of the 200 block of Durham Street pled guilty to conspiracy to commit first-degree assault June 10, 2008. Under terms of the plea agreement, announced in open court, she was required to testify truthfully, if called, in the murder trial of Maurice Crosby. The State did not call Ammenhauser as a witness in the prosecution of Maurice Crosby."

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