Wednesday, February 4, 2009


"This afternoon, police found the victim, who was shot in the back, in the bathroom in a stone shelter at the Winans Meadow [Gwynns Falls] trail head, in the 1500 block of North Franklintown Road."

Domestic assault
in the blotter


  1. Why, oh why,... does our police department think it is in a position to decide how many open warrants to leave outstanding ??

    If I may offer a target figure..., a very ROUND target figure,.....

    how about "You're expected to diligently undertake to serve them all" !!!

    No wonder this city is a hoodlum's paradise.

  2. Here's an idea on how to reduce the number of unserved warrants. Publish the names of everyone who has a warrant out, and offer a small reward to whoever turns one of those people in.

  3. The Czech Republic has a good way to deal with sex offenders :)

  4. Sheila D. underestimates the magnitude of the drug economy in Baltimore B ?

    No kidding.

    Try this: when you subtract the best estimates of the informal economy from the best estimates of the total subsistence level, you are left with the 'legitimate' economy in the inner city.

    It's a very, very small number.

    Basically, Baltimore doesn't work without crime.

    Truly a municipality which should be decommissioned.

  5. That's a good case for some sort of drug legalization. Baltimore has a tough time attracting productive citizens for two reasons, crime and the obscene property tax rate. Part of the reason the property tax rate is so high is that so many of this city's inhabitants (I refuse to call them citizens) contribute absolutely nothing to its coffers. Clearly the criminalization of drug use has done nothing to prevent it from happening, and if we made at least some drugs legally available we could then collect taxes from junkies & crackheads.

  6. Good idea, PP! I think that once the police try the original address for the suspect and they're not there, the names could be published. But since the city's broke, there is no money for the reward part. Perhaps the mayor's two aide who got their hard-earned raises, could contribute to the reward fund?

    Or maybe the folks in finance could create an instrument for the reward fund, that folks could invest in. Mr. Madeoff could sell it to people.

    I hear what you're saying about drugs: I'll have to think about it; I believe it's a bit more complicated, though. However, it reminds me of the scene in BattleStar Galactica when the president tells the Commander: the war is over: we lost.

  7. I realize that drug decriminalization isn't some sort of magic solution that will make our problems go away. What we're doing now clearly isn't working though, and at least if you could buy pot legally then stoners would have to pay taxes on it, which means they'd be forced to contribute a bit more to society.

    Another potential advantage of legalizing less harmful illegal drugs like pot & shrooms is that the law enforcement resources which were used to enforce the prohibitions on those substances could then be used to go after the really destructive drugs like crack & crystal meth. I have fairly libertarian views on drug legalization, however even I don't think that decriminalizing meth is a good idea.

  8. What was Det. Lewis's line from that one episode of Homicide? "We're fighting human desire with cops, lawyers & courtrooms, and we all know that human desire is kicking our ass." That wasn't the exact quote, but it was something along those lines.

  9. It's nice to see BPD's Adkins & Turner doing constructive work after the SA's office made them persona non grata in court cases due to issues (lies on the witness stand- or so says Jessamy) with their previous work in narcotics.

  10. I do however miss the sight of Adkins & Sean Dallesandro chasing down a dealer and whomping the piss out of him in the alley behind my old house.
