Wednesday, February 11, 2009


An unidentified man in the 1700 block of N. Smallwood St.

The Ink details last week's three murders, all on Feb. 4.
"Three people were murdered on Feb. 4, making it the second-most murderous day so far this year, right behind Jan. 4, on which four people were murdered."

Dixon wants a new law to require bail commissioners to hold convicted gun offenders on a no-bail status if they have a new arrest

A McDonogh student flashing a pellet gun in a case of road rage; 43 pounds of wacky terbacky in a van in the Blotter

Some good news: "Drug overdose deaths in Baltimore City continued to drop last year, reaching the lowest number since 1995." Death by booze &/or nose-candy is down too!

Coke-snortin gun-toting gut-rattling Pikesvillager "could be released within the next few weeks."
"What I did was not the real me," he said

Ugh, I'm so sick of "lack of outrage" outrage.


  1. Are Baltimore city residents supposed to be "outraged" 100% of the time the time merely because they/we live within the city borders? I know I have better things to do with my time.

  2. Help prevent theft by legislators. Support the Maryland Taxpayer Protection Act.

  3. I know I'm going to be criticized for being evil and cold-hearted, but is it really good news that ODs are down? If it means that fewer people are using heroin then it certainly is, but what if it's just because junkies have become smarter, or EMS crews are better equipped to handle ODs? If that's the case this could actually be bad news for law-abiding citizens, since a junky who's dead from an OD can't break into your car or burglarize your home.

  4. I am outraged that so many people are outraged over the outrageous crap the goes on in this city.

  5. What in the world is going on in Baltimore?

    Drug use is down - but murders are up?

    Maybe in response to this wretched economy...
