Friday, February 27, 2009

#37, shootings, and why O'Malley said "O'Dear..." today

Frederick Jeffrey Archer of North Arlington Avenue was found fatally stabbed in his apartment yesterday.

Last night in East Baltimore
four men on the 400 block of East Lanvale Street were shot. All four are expected to survive.

In a time where thousands of customers are impacted by astronomical energy rates, Governor O'Malley decided to fight the powers that be... on the Death Penalty. A staunch supporter of repealing it, the governor was hoping that this would be the year that it was finally repealed.
unfortunately for him, the Maryland Senate preferred not to. However, this is not it since it may still go before the Full Senate. Martin, you'd best get your guitar and tightest black t-shirt - you'll need it.

Police continue to arrest people for beating, stabbing and igniting a man in Leakin Park in December.
Check out the Investigative Voice: "Cops charge 3rd teen in grisly 'Bounty Hunter' murder"-- MJB

The youngest of those accused of killing former Councilman Kenneth Harris is pleading not guilty.
PS. I've heard from more than one inside source that the mystery woman in the car was the wife of a police officer, and that a lot of information on this case has been suppressed. Hope it goes to trial -- MJB

The Maryland Court of Appeals has defended the anonymity of online posters for those who wish to slander the blog if certain conditions are met. Fire away.

Talk about doing hard time: Fifteen former correctional officers at two different Correctional Institutions are being charged with giving stick time to inmates.


  1. Thanks, Cynic.
    I tinyurl'd your Sun links so they get cached.

  2. You're good goods. Don't forget the Daily Record. WMAR is best for the weekend. And check the DOJ to see who's getting Exiled. And don't forget to update the corpse pile on the template every Wednesday. And feed the fish and water the plants. Mom's going to the Rancho Relaxo.

  3. I too have heard from sources about the woman that was in Ken Harris' car. For example, where is she now? How come nothing happened to her at the scene?

    There is a lot more to this story. Believe me I am eager to get to the bottom of it myself. I loved Ken. I spoke with his daughter recently, she seemed to be doing well. At his funeral was one of the few times as a grown man I openly wept like a baby.

    A.F. James MacArthur

    The Baltimore Spectator

  4. I'm surprised so many people are upset about the woman in the car's name not going public. Witnesses are never made public, for their own safety, in a city where people are regularly killed to prevent justice.

  5. Says BCrime's legal counsel:

    "The law requires the State to disclose to the defense the names and addresses of all witnesses. If they feel those witnesses could be in danger, they don't have to disclose the addresses. The defense can then file a motion asking the Court to compel the State to disclose the info."

  6. releasing it to the public and providing it to a defense attorney during the discovery phase of trial are two very different things. but point taken.
