Monday, February 2, 2009

Suddenly we like him a lot more

QTD: "He was the gold medal winner of bong hits."


  1. Unfortunately role models are human and are all proven over time to be flawed. The only genuine role model that will never let children down is Jesus, He is unflawed, perfect and is never going to be seen doing bong hits.

  2. I swear I've done bong hits with Jesus while I was in Boulder, Colorado.

  3. Jesus smoked massive amounts of pot and opiates. How else do you think he parted the waters, miraculously healed people and turned water into wine?? Everyone was so stoned they believed whatever crazy shit he spurted out of his mouth!

  4. Cameron:

    If you listen to some of his more hardline evangelical followers it sounds like they're smoking something much stronger than weed...

    BTW, wasn't it Moses who parted the waters?

  5. @ Baltimore_Yeti

    I beg to differ. Jesus is over at my place now and we just smoked a joint. He says hi.

  6. So my daughter came home from the first grade with the (horrid) assignment of watching the news to see if Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. We never learned that, but we learned oh so much more, starting with this being the lead story on JZ.
    "What's Michael Phelps doing?"
    "He's smoking, and that's bad for his health."
    Her: "I know.. but why is that on the news?"
    Me: "You ask very good questions. Here's a new word to learn: Shadenfreude. As in, the more famous someone is, the more of this a tv viewing audience experiences."

  7. MJB: Sorry for being nitpicky, but the correct spelling is Schadenfreude.

    RatherBeBiking: Jesus lives down my street, sharing a house with Juan & Pablo. He seems nice enough, but I think he's in the US illegally because he always get paid in cash.

  8. Mr. Phelps has given several interviews recently explaining to the world that if you work really really really hard at something, you will most assuredly be a success. Mr. Phelps might have a different outlook if he didn't have the perfect swimmers body and was 5'1". I must say, I do like him more now that he is smoking the maryjane. We'll hear less of him.

    As long as he stays out of a car while he imbibes, I say go ahead and enjoy.
