Monday, February 16, 2009


Michael Davis, 30, was shot to death near the intersection of Erdman Avenue and East Federal Street.

Three additional nonfatal shootings on Saturday in the blotter: the 2400 block of Belair Road, the 400 block of E. 32nd St., in the stairway of a parking garage in the 1000 block of N. Charles St.

JHU junior drops retainer, gets expelled for .45 in waistband.
(thanks TM)
A different student-with-a-gun story at Steon Hill in PA this weekend; a trooper shot and killed a student after a three-hour standoff (thanks Buz)

RIP Examiner! We'll miss you!
Before Greg Kane was cut loose, free to roam Baltimore's streets, he filed one final scrappy column of unfinished business.

Seriously?! Hermann says that notes left to Baby Blevins on his death Dumpster were a high school art project, and Uncle Ben's billboards are next.

In Towson, Daniel Ho Coverston, a TU student who was recovering from eye surgery was shot to death in his apartment.

"Anne Arundel County police said they've charged a Brooklyn Park man with attacking another man with a machete."

Int'l: Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico have all recently moved to decriminalize small-scale drug possession for personal use


  1. ~~~Any one of those three nonfatal shootings reported on Saturday (there were probably others) could have been fatal if the injury site was just a few inches different. Sounds like the latter two were attempted robberies.
    ~~~The JHU junior was not expelled from Hopkins because they were mean; they were thinking liability and not just Virginia Tech: Hopkins had its own ON CAMPUS murder a few years ago when a troubled student, already suspended for stalking and harassment came up and shot his "friend" in the head. The suspect ran across Charles Street and into Wolman Hall and turned himself in to a Hopkins officer. A statue memorializing the victim now graces the campus just north of Art Museum Drive. He should be expelled for stupidity anyway.
    ~~~The student shot and killed by Pennsylvania State Police near Seton Hall was also a member of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.
    ~~~Greg Kane has been a great observer of crime in Baltimore and Mencken-like in his cutting remarks about hypocrisy. The case he cites is a perfect example of what, perhaps, Anna Sowers and folks like her are thinking about the State's Attorney's office, and why the Supreme Court might well evolve, over the next several years, to eviscerate the exclusionary rule. It's guys like this suspect who are driving a lot of the violence in Baltimore. Buz thinks they should have taken it to trial, and let the judge or jury decide.
    ~~~After reading the article about the clubs in Argentina, and Ecstasy, we now know what could save Pimlico Race Course or the Senator: a high admission charge which includes one Ecstasy pill (more available). Forget beer pong! Oh, and put some slot machines in both places. Whoops, no slots at Pimlico: Mt. Washington would be upset. How about slots in the waiting room at the Motor Vehicles Administration? Slots at Central Booking? Oh, never mind!

  2. You guys are pretty detailed.

    I was just in Baltimore - the place had changed so much by the water.

    West Baltimore still looked absolutely abandoned, though.
