Monday, March 9, 2009


Shawn Cannady, shot by an unnamed officer on Friday, has died of his injuries, the fourth fatal police-involved shooting this year.
Heavy hitters took to the Marc Steiner show this evening to discuss the new Baltimore Police non-disclosure policy: Anthony Guglielmi, Director of Public Affairs for the Baltimore Police Department; Robert Cherry, President of the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police and a former homicide detective; David Rocah, staff attorney for the Maryland ACLU; and David Simon (read the essay).
If you're short on time, skip to the last half.
Are the police going to live up to the promise to volunteer all info journalists deem pertinent other than a name? And if they don't, then what? It's not really a negotiation, is it?
More thoughts on this issue from Buz

Non-intentional non-justified homicide #42 was Roger Dennis, shot at age 13 in 1997 in the 300 block of W. North Avenue, who died last August from his injuries.

Because of the definitions of criminal homicide as per the FBI, Dennis is on 2009's homicide tally, Cannady is not.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa. I actually got to know Shawn pretty well during my three year stretch as a heroin addict. Not just 'pretty well' like 'getting my fix everyday pretty well', but 'pretty well' as in 'going to the movies and hanging out and shit pretty well'. He was a real nice guy, but was always trying to play gangster. I feel bad for him and his family. He had a good heart and was always getting his brother out of trouble. He was actually really smart and could've accomplished a lot more than he probably ever thought he could, but live by the sword, die by the sword, I guess. He was kind of just doing what he needed to do to support himself and his family and it was something he was good at. But, honestly, I am willing to bet that officer was pretty fucking justified in shooting him, knowing Shawn. Dude was hella dangerous behind the wheel if he thought the police were on him. Well, anyhow, RIP Shawn. I hope he is judged by his overall intentions and not his actions.
