Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homicide victim #39 was Id'd as Herbert Carsten Jr., age 17, a life apparently not worth more comment than the insomnia its end inflicted.


  1. whatta shame...wheres the homeland security? where is our troops that are supposed to protect for both foreign AND domestic terrorism? why have we been lied to all these years, a false sense of hope...17 year old dead..15 yr old wounded...25 yr old club goer murdered...we allow people to be as selfish as to want to TAKE a women or young childs 27 yrs old and convinced that only I can protect myself and family..not the cops that come when its too late, not the government that is more concerned about American lives lost over seas. not my friends that wont be there when im facing a barrel.i WILL risk being jailed for protecting myself...because that is a better alternative then having police show up at my poor mother door telling her that her oldest son has died for nothing...because being judged by 12 is better then losing all that my family and i have worked for...we need help in this city...its corrupt from the Mayor down to the vacant houses...we've been ignored and left as sitting ducks

  2. More from WJZ about the Patrick Byers murder trial.

  3. Apparently there's a good chance that Rod Rosenstein will remain the US Attorney for Maryland until his term ends this summer. I'm really hoping that Obama will either pick Rosenstein for another term or re-nominate him for a judgeship on the 4th Circuit. None of the potential replacements for US Attorney that the article named (ugh, Stuart Simms...) were particularly inspiring.
