Thursday, March 5, 2009

Your daily badness

Ink: two murders last week, both stabbings
Meanwhile, two alleged stabbers apprehended.
Alleged murderer Lewis Brock, alias Keshawn Brown, Luis Brown and Lamar Smith, has been arrested about 20-something times for guns and drugs, and in 2002 for attempted first-degree murder with a handgun, a case that was noll pros'd.
The other accused deadly shanker, Eddy M. Castillo-Diaz, is an illegal immigrant from Honduras.

330 pounds? That's a lot of coca!

So let me get this straight, if you have less than an ounce of marijuana and a case of insomnia, your biggest worry is being fined $100?

On the left coast, gay rights, Chris Brown go to court.


  1. Very sad e-mail from Delegate Craig Rice to State Senators.

    I know you many of you do not know this, but back in 1993, my aunt, Mildred Horn, her quadriplegic son, Trevor (my cousin) and his full-time nurse Janice Saunders were all murdered by a man named James Perry. They were killed 5 houses down from the house I lived in and my mother was the person who discovered their bodies.

    Mr. Perry, a Detroit man, was convicted and sentenced to death in Maryland for the murders of my Aunt, Trevor, and his nurse, Janice Saunders. Lawrence Horn, the divorced husband of my aunt, was sentenced to 3 life sentences for contracting the killings in an effort to inherit the proceeds from a medical malpractice settlement stemming from Trevor's condition.

    I beg of you for my family and the numerous victims across the state, please do not repeal the death penalty.

    My family, namely my mother and now deceased Aunt Gloria fought a tremendous battle to strike up the courage and nerve to testify in the initial hearings that lasted months and the subsequent appeals to get and preserve a death penalty verdict.

    My mother still has nightmares about James Perry and Lawrence Horn and will continue to do so until they are no longer on this Earth. Just 2 months ago, my mother called me at 3am in the morning because her alarm had gone off and told me that Perry was trying to get her. She and my family will never be the same.

    Senators, my personal story may be unique in the legislature, but is not unique in our State. For me as a victim, and not as a Delegate, I ask you, PLEASE DO NOT REPEAL THE DEATH PENALTY."

  2. This story isn't from the US, but I was so repulsed by it that I felt the need to repost it anyways.

    Rape row sparks excommunications

    Apparently the Catholic Church feels that a NINE YEAR OLD rape victim should be forced to carry her rapists baby, even if doing so would endanger her own life.

    BTW, the Catholic Church is strongly against the death penalty. Remember this story when they start to blather on about the immorality of capital punishment.

  3. Abortion is the murder of an innocent.The death penalty is the ending of a guilty individuals life. The death penalty is the ultimate earthly punishment for the ultimate earthly crime, "murder". Abortion deprives an innocent of it's right to life and liberty. Why commit murder if that baby is created as the result of rape? If someone wrongs you should you in turn wrong someone else? No !

    Never equate the justice granted by the death penalty with the horrible moral crime of abortion.

  4. Yeti:

    A.)The pregnancy threatened the life of the rape victim.

    B.)It's very easy for a sanctimonious a-hole to pretend that a half-developed fetus is the equivalent of a person and therefore the victim in this case should just suck it up and have the kid. If that was you or someone you cared about I bet it wouldn't be so black & white. If your book of myths tells you that abortion is wrong then fine, but don't go forcing your religion on others.

  5. Another story on Delegate Rice's plea for the state to retain capital punishment.

    "I can't tell you how difficult it is as a freshman delegate to go up to the governor," Rice said, "and tell him he is wrong."

  6. Jesus said "I knew you before you were born.". Therefore a embryo is a living human being.

    ppatin I am not forcing my views on anyone. Just stating the facts as I have been told. And yes, someone close to me was a victim like the girl in the story was and they had an abortion 20 years ago. She regrets it everyday of her life.

    You may not believe in GOD but he believes in you.
