Sunday, March 15, 2009


A man shot in the 1900 block of Pulaski Street at around 10:20 p.m has died.

Police are looking for Rochelle Denise Battle, 16.

Don't miss Buz's latest notes on crime & security.
Also worthwhile commentary on the media situation from Clay Shirky


  1. The 1900 block of Pulaski is real close to where the officer and the camera operator were scoping out drug dealers beyond line-of-site the other night. And got in a little trouble, investigation stuff, etc.
    It's very close to North Avenue (not the part close to Squared Joe's). But it is not, as implied by news headlines that awful close to Mondawmin's shopping center Property--though it may be formally in the "Mondawmin" neighborhood.

    In any event, one can still see that large portions of the city continue to struggle--perhaps especially along North Avenue (parts of it). Too bad more reporters weren't working on a weekend night so we could have more details about this murder.

    mjb---thanks for the link!

  2. Clay Shirky is so right on. I feel enlightened just from reading that.

    The question for baltimorecrime and you other bloggers is.... are you up to the task? :-)
