Friday, March 20, 2009

"There's no overall plan"

Page Croyder has lots to say to the Investigative Voice.

And LOLZ!! "Jenna Bush Secret Service limo towed for unpaid parking tickets"
... er, make that a van

man shot in East Baltimore

Northwestern High catfight broken up with mace

Charges dropped against the alleged killer of Jasmine Harris, apparently no one photographed footprints in the snow.

Eric "Nation of Cowards" Holder visits Baltimore

Body afloat near dragon boats, the 2nd Harbor corpse in 10 days

Dog-shooting leads to the state Senate approving a bill to require law enforcement agencies to issue monthly reports to the attorney general on SWAT team deployments.

Ew. McCormick sues equipment manufacturer over paint chips in cinnamon

This press release from the SAO should be in the reading-comprehension section from the SAT. Try to follow this plot:
On February 20, 2009 Linwood Buckson, 39, of the 3200 block of the Alameda was convicted of car theft and second degree [sic] assault following a Baltimore City jury trial prayer from district court. (Case number 809050026) He was sentenced to three years in prison by Judge Alfred Nance. Today, in a violation of probation hearing before Judge Charles G. Bernstein, Buckson was found guilty of violating his probation for this new conviction and sentenced to the balance of the
9-year suspended sentence he received on January 16, 2007.

Buckson faces 9 years in prison after rigorous prosecution and law enforcement coordination between local, state and federal agencies that serve on the Baltimore Violent Repeat Offender Task Force.

The facts are as follows:

On January 14, 2009 at 9:20 am, Officer Garrett was dispatched to the 500 block of North Ave for a reported stolen automobile taken December 27, 2008. The officer observed the Black Suzuki at a red light being driven by Linwood Buckson. The officer with the assistance of back up attempted to initiate a traffic stop of the vehicle by activating lights and sirens but Buckson refused to stop the vehicle. Mr. Buckson then rammed the driver side of a marked patrol vehicle occupied by Officer Moody in an attempt to flee. Even after ramming the police vehicle, Buckson began running on foot until he was ultimately apprehended in the rear of the 3300 block of The Alameda. Officer Moody did not sustain any serious injuries. The victim’s car suffered severe damage.

At the time of arrest Mr. Buckson was on probation for theft over $500 involving a vehicle. He was placed on probation January 16, 2007 after receiving a 10-year sentence with 9-years [sic], 6 months suspended.

The facts of that case are as follows:

On October 31, 2006 at 12:30 AM, in the 2500 block of West North Avenue, a patrol officer was performing random stolen checks on vehicles. The tag of the car Buckson was observed driving was reported stolen on October 30, 2006. Buckson gave the police officer a license belonging to someone else. Buckson’s driver license had been revoked and suspended.

Mr. Buckson’s arrest record spans 21 years with 29 arrests. His convictions include robbery deadly weapon, possession with intent to distribute, three convictions for CDS possession, theft over $500, unauthorized use, trespass, and two convictions for violation of probation.

During his violation of probation hearing today, the Honorable Judge Bernstein sentenced Linwood Buckson to nine years in jail consecutive to the sentence he is currently serving.

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