Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sixth 'Bounty Hunter' Arrested

bountyhuntersA sixth suspect arrested in the "Bounty Hunter" killing, in which Petro Taylor was set on fire while he was still alive. Two guys, Terrell Greg and Anthony O. Williams, are already in custody, as are three teenage girls, (left to right) Sierra Pyles, 19; Tenisha Lawson, 18; and Grechauna Rogers, 16.
More from Justin Fenton

So today and tomorrow the legislature is holding hearings on the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be a word on this in the Sunpapers.


  1. "Oddly, there doesn't seem to be a word on this in the Sunpapers."

    Maybe the Investigative Voice will investigate it?

  2. Our state's US Senators have announced their support for a criminal friendly judge being nominated to fill a vacancy on the 4th Circuit. Stupid move on their part.
