Saturday, March 21, 2009

Woman shot in the face

A woman was found shot in a car near the intersection of Parkwood and Edgemont avenues this afternoon. Her injuries are serious but she is apparently still alive.

Says my Facebook friend (the BPD): "SHOOTING: Police investigating a shoting in the 2600 block of Maisel St. PIO not responding"
(What's PIO?)


  1. Public Information Officer. The victim was a relative of my on-air co-host and partner. He's actually with the family right now. Only in Baltimore. We talk about violence so much, on our shows, in our blogs, and now tonight, sadly, AGAIN it hits way too close to home.

    We will do our best to get as much inside and background information as possible.

    A.F. James MacArthur

  2. Thanks, I knew that (PIO) but it didn't make sense in that context.
    I hope you can help give us information on the victim so we have the rare opportunity to know something about who she is as a human being.

  3. Sorry, two separate stories, one comment box. HE was Marty Williams Jr., early 20's. Getting more information as we speak. Pictures (non gory) from the scene coming soon.

    - James

  4. IMO, sanitized pictures are part of the problem. And a puzzling sensibility.
    Can you show feet? A pool of blood? A dead hand?
    Who are the papers or the nightly news trying to protect-- the victim's family? (would they show a shot-up body if the victim's family consented?) "Children"? Because there are some seriously upsetting horror movie trailers on tv at all hours.
    This country is the biggest broker of unnatural human deaths on the planet. Of the 1000+ murders we have blogged here, we have seen only one photo of a dead body.
    Is that not odd?

  5. Want to know what's odd, I'll tell you what's odd. When in Baltimore County, right on the County/City line on York Rd. last year, a man was found dead in a car. He'd been in there for a few days and no one noticed, even though he was sitting in the drivers seat of a car parked in a busy shopping center/government office building complex.

    When I got there the smell was so strong and the flies so thick, it was unreal. I'd been to many DOA's before, especially in my prior career, but something about this one really got to me. Maybe it was not having the Vicks I used to cram up my nose before going near a dead body.

    So I position myself BEHIND the police tape to begin taking shots. THE POLICE RAN ME OFF despite showing them my press credentials AND my SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR ID. When I asked why, they said because it was evidence?

    Yeah, to this day I'm still just as confused as I was then. When I insisted on not moving, they threatened me with arrest. It's funny to me when I jump up and down about how much of a police state we actually live in, people look at me strange and think that I'm crazy.

    People, I've seen it from the inside. Heard the plans, helped carry them out, and was sickened by it all. Oh well. Guess now I'm just another dumb blogger. At least that's what the folks at the Baltimore Sun tell me.

    Working on the footage from the scene, will have it up soon and keep you posted. GET THIS. The victims father....just last week we were talking about violence in the city and shootings. Now look what happened. Only in Baltimore.

    A.F. James MacArthur

  6. I've spoken briefly about it publicly before, but I'm kinda pulling back. I studied criminal justice/criminology in school and I have some experience in law enforcement. But my work experience is not limited to such. A free thinker, over the years I worked, either full time, or a second job moonlighting in many fields.

  7. and who at the Sun called you a dumb blogger?

  8. HA! Marcie, I don't even want to start down that road. Particularly not since I'm now banned from writing on their website, because God forbid, I linked to my blog.

    You seem to be a night owl like me. I'm nearly done editing the video. Hopefully you're up and you get to see it and give me your reaction.

  9. News blackout in full effect. Still nothing when you go the Baltimore Sun. Thank you for carrying this story Marcy, even if it is just a blurb, it's much more than anyone else has.

    No wonder things are the way they are in this town. By ignoring, minimizing and trivializing when a young man is shot in the head, the media is complicit in keeping the masses asleep.

    Some may think, yeah, "Baltimore has it's problems, but it's not that bad." Listen, I'm not trying to bash the city, at least not at this very moment (I have before), but my point is it would be nice if the media did a better of job of reporting honestly what happens here. The full depth and extent of it.

    Feel free to delete my many comments posts here if they have been excessive. My apologies, did not mean to take over like that. Guess I'm a little emotional as I am only one removed from this story.


  10. Baltimore Murder Follow up: A picture of Martie Williams Jr. NO ONE IN THE MEDIA HAS ONE...NOT YET! At the families request, I attended the funeral yesterday. Never thought when covering crime stories I'd one day become so involved in one. The family has really been kind to me. They gave me hugs, took pictures with me, and thanked me profusely for my controversial video.

    Thanks Marcie for letting people know the Baltimore Spectator broke this tragic story.

    See more at:
