Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Baltimore City’s Residents Give Voice to What’s Needed to Fix the Criminal Justice System" from the Justice Policy Institute


  1. I wanna puke.

    That 'paper' on fixing the criminal justice system is rife with blathering about 'treating crime like an affliction' on the perpetrator.

    Are you kidding ???

    Treat crime like a disease?

    Yeah, quarantine the bastards and excise the gangrenous limb.

  2. I agree with Galt. “We felt that it was important for people most affected by the criminal justice system to have their voices heard, and a chance to talk about what they believe should be done to change the system for the better,”

    The people most affected by the criminal justice system are the victims of crime, that do not get the justice they deserve from the broken "revolving door" system.

    I would love to have a "community conference" session with all the crooks that have victimized my neighborhood and friends. I'd bring a baseball bat with "mediator" written down the side...I'm sure I'd feel 23% more satisfied with the justice system then.

  3. How perfect, It gets released on April 1. You can't make this up!!
