Monday, April 27, 2009

A Saturday-night stabbing at the Inner Harbor

The new Death Penalty bill could affect existing cases


  1. I knew that this year's death penalty bill has poorly thought out, but I didn't realize quite how idiotic it was until I read the WaPo's article.

    Also, does anyone remember how O'Malley said last spring that he'd finally get new execution procedures put together? It's been a frikkin year, what the hell is he waiting for! It's not like lethal injection is that complicated.

  2. The Sun left out that shots were fired too, that is what made everyone run from the Harbor like crazy. friend of mine was working at M&S grill when it happened and it was right in front of it.

  3. By the way, the WaPo's DP article mentioned that five capital cases were currently working their way through the system. I know that two inmates from the old House of Correction are facing death for murdering a CO, a WCI inmate is looking that the DP for killing a cellmate, and apparently Washington County cop-killer Douglas Pryor is the fourth person. Anyone know who #5 is? My guess would be something from Baltimore County that hasn't made the news?

  4. It's Black Gorilla Family....
