Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh shiz, they got KG, Dee and Ray .. and 21 more Guerrrilla 'Death Angels'

What's more luxurious than crab imperial and Grey Goose?
When it's smuggled into prison for you by your personal staff of "Death Angels"!
A mass indictment announced yesterday by federal and local law enforcement targeting the Black Guerrilla Family has steamy details on the smuggling ring that dealt in slutty guards, bottle clubs and death dealt from prison.
... here's the PR from RJR
and Hermann's take
(there seem to be two indictments, both for conspiracy but for two different groups, one group conspiring to sell heroin and the other for other drugs?)

The Byers case went to the jury yesterday afternoon

Hermann on BPD's "mess at the top"

Man robs pharmacy 4 times in 5 days, and Janis has video

Police tweets:
HOMICIDE ARREST: Third Suspect (Lyndon Waddell, B/M 21yo) arrested in connection w/ Feb 4th homicide of Bryan Wright 9:55pm · via Twitter


  1. "Supermax" prisons have received a lot of bad press in recent years, however the BGF story is IMO a good example of why the only way to incarcerate some inmates is to lock them up in solitary confinement all day long. I took a peak at the indictment, and I couldn't help but noticed that some of the crimes in question were taking place at North Branch. NBCI is supposed to be the state's safest and most modern maximum security prison (with the exception of MCAC, a.k.a Supermax) and yet these hoodlums were smuggling in food, conducting criminal activities and even getting laid (!) while they were locked up there. The obvious conclusion is that some prisoners need to be kept caged like the animals they are, and prevented from interacting with other inmates under any circumstances. My preferred solution would of course be to kill them instead of incarcerating them, but that's never going to happen.

  2. We have a verdict in the Carl Lackl murder trial. Patrick Byers and Frank Goodman are GUILTY! As Lackl's stepfather said, "Carl wins; God bless America."

  3. Did anyone else see Patrick Byers' stupid cunt of a cousin on TV? That cow was going on about how she doesn't agree with the death penalty. Guess what woman, your loathsome cousin believed in the death penalty for an innocent man.

  4. I was struck by two things:
    ~She was wearing a black t-shirt with the word "sex" on it in bright lettering, couldn't make out any other words, but wondered what the second word may have been.
    ~She mentioned that her two brothers were murdered, but she didn't mention that Byers' original accusations were that of killing the suspected killer of his cousins.

    Couldn't help but notice also the continued intimidation that even as Lackl's family left the court, Byers' friends shouted "junkie" at the family, along with a few choice other things, I guess--even though Lackl was dead and couldn't and didn't testify.

    Ah, food, Grey Goose (at least they have some good taste), and cell phones, and of course cuddly Correctional Officers, along with bad Correctional Officers. They used to say prison was: "three hots and a cot". Now, it appears some of our state's most beloved inmates are taking things to the next level.
    And Peter Moskos in his book stated: "drug dealers get laid". America has always had a crush on the romantic outlaw. But, it's not supposed to go this far in prison.

    Seriously, these indictments, as good as they are, bring to mind a whole host of serious questions about the management, supervision, and integrity of our prisons.
