Tuesday, May 26, 2009

... and the winner is...

Sonia Sotomayor!
Sonia Sotomayor!
Sonia Sotomayor!

The California court is due to rule on Prop H8, too. An exciting day in American jurisprudence!

1 comment:

  1. There's almost no chance that the California Supreme Court will overturn Prop. 8, and if they did the backlash would probably be pretty nasty. Gay marriage supporters would be much better off trying to get another ballot initiative up for a vote in a few years (people's attitudes towards gays are changing quickly enough that they'd probably stand a good chance of overturning P8) rather than using the courts to overturn the will of the voters. It's unfortunate that California voted the way they did on this issue, but you can't just overturn a vote because you don't like the outcome.
