Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Reason to Hate Bank of America

They've always charged the worst fees in the biz and had a rep for stiffing employees, and now the world knows it's the suckiest bank currently sucking.
Now the amoral avatar known as "the bank" "says" it fingered the wrong perp by circulating pix of Hot Topic girl, whose pic was circulated after she was accused of grifting a senior citizen.
Deleting posts now!
Sorry Hot Topic girl!
Note to self: you can't overuse the word "allegedly"


  1. Creepy witness intimidation story. This is the sort of crap you get when you refuse to give the ultimate punishment to monsters like Patrick Byers. Also, maybe it's time to amend the Constitution to allow witnesses to testify anonymously. I'm pretty sure that's something that's already allowed in a lot of common law countries, and the US may want to start giving judges the same option here.

  2. I've used Bank of America for several years and have never been charged a fee. If you're anal retentive about maintaining minimum balances their enormous ATM and branch network can really be of great value.

  3. Who are these M&T people? According to the documentation sent to me yesterday I am now an M&T customer since Provident got bought.

    I managed to have a screaming argument with BofA even before they got the signs up on the building. It's a garbage bank that only wants to do business with people that never use a teller and have giant piles of money in their checking accounts. Satans.
