Thursday, May 28, 2009

Assorted Crime News of the Day...

Jailhouse snitches (including one featured in "Stop Snitching") are the feds' golden hope in the capital-murder trial of Dinkins, Gilbert and Goods, accused of killing witness John P. Downey Jr.

Baltimore PoliceDept HOMICIDE ARREST: Christopher Briggs (M/B/DOB12/23/93) was arrested yesterday for the May 25th murder of Keon Cameron; Tavon Julian Grey (12/12/82) was arrested TODAY for the Aug 08 murder of Eric Jebron Brown

A pitbull set on fire in the SW

More mayhem at the Victor Cullen Academy

No reports of random attacks lately ... except for this poor guy

Catholics designate a week in June to pray for peace;
"Community Conferencing Center uses restorative justice techniques to deal with crime in Baltimore"
HBR on the art of the apology

We've all been there, right? Mom leads cops on chase around 495 with three kids in the car
Perceived racism makes you fat, study says

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the article on Community Conferencing,...

    it says "it strengthens communities by showing them that they have the power to resolve their own problems without the intervention of police or officials. "

    Um, don't we delegate authority to third party officials in order that they may render justice objectively and uniformly ???

    If not, then we DO NOT NEED ANY GOVERNMENT, do we ??

    The sentiment here seems to be that we should free up the courts from having to deal with, oh, CRIME... and allow them instead to fart around with the allowed misbehavior of corrupt politicians and with spurious liability cases by whiplashed Baltimoreans, right?
